Fan Art – Extras by Moki, Kayla Marquez, Popfly, and Numeriku

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After a long day of killing bandits and squashing spiders, the Riverwood Heroes like to have a nice picnic with sweets and story telling~ Zora likes re-telling the story about the bandit killing cats and talking dog.

Ah, here’s another fan art segment. Most of this is stuff I should’ve posted previously, along with a few doodles I found on Tumblr. Like this one right here by Moki, which was posted after the last batch and missed the cutoff. Not that I mind posting more art . More like the opposite of mind. I would like nothing more than to post fan art every day, it would be like me died and gone to heaven.


This is a random doodle Numeriku posted on the forums of Rumarin. Rumarin is the undisputed king of fan art, although I think Anum-La and Zora are a close second. Still no love for Norgrof Oak-Heart.


Above, Erandur, Nalvyna (current skyrim char), and Rumarin (from Interesting NPCS mod) being ridiculous. I love these derps so much, they’re making my current Skyrim playthrough so much fun.

This one here is by popfly, and it made my sides rumble. I was kind of disappointed followers aren’t allowed inside the temple let alone Erandur’s peyote hallucination, but I managed to sneak in one line before the chicken squaring.

And just in case you haven’t had your fill of Rumarin art, here is some awesome work by sinokoi-sk from his Tumblr page. I have no idea how old this is either, but I just recently learned how to use the internet search function.


This last one requires some setting up, it’s an oldie but goodie the wonderful and talented Kayla Marquez posted waaaaay back in regards to the following line.

EXCUSE ME! Ur supposed to kick people’s butts and drop random parables and shit, not be an adorable dork. Sheesh! 

Qadojo by Kayla Marquez

Yeah, Qa’Dojo has his quirks. He has a weak spot for fish, he loves making snowcats, and his entire philosophy can be attributed to a head injury. Not your typical wise monk. Buuuut I suppose that’s the point of calling them three-dimensional NPCs.