Sims and Saints


It appears I am suffering from a disease where I don’t even play games any more, I just spend all my time putting 3DNPCs into the character creators.

The first one is a riff on the Fallout comic 324b21 is making. I didn’t know how to make an Argonian in the Sims, probably because that option doesn’t exist, so I just covered Anum-La‘s skin in tats. It sort of looks like scales if you take off your glasses.

saints row Morndasb

This is Morndas as I picture her in modern day clothes, just kicking it down in some urine-scented New York subway.  After a morning cigarette, she flicks it onto the track and hops on a train to Times Square. Like any good cat/burglar, she wants to dip her paws in the blue jean water and see if she can’t catch some fish.

The Sleeping Mutant by 324b21


There’s some great Fan Art in the forums which we’ll highlight next week, but I first want to make mention of 324b21‘s FNV crossover comic, based on The Sleeping Giant quest. It’s pretty cool, and it’s pretty sweet. It’s like ice cream for the soul.


Nevertheless, our intrepid artist needs your assistance to help complete this project:

I hope my grammar didn’t give you cancer, I still need some improvement on that department. I’m not working full time on this and honestly, I sorta need some help on it, and since there are a lot of great artists here, it would be nice to lend some hand. I’m not demanding or anything, if its alright. A collaboration would be a great idea. ;)

Well, I can draw stick figures, and stick figures with boobs, but not much else. If anyone wants to help, you can send 324b21 a PM or make a comment on the Fan Art thread.

Fan Art – Sleeping Super Mutant by 324b21



More New Vegas/ Skyrim crossover feat. Jinks the hipster courier with the gang. this is taken from the sleeping giant quest or in this case, i think it would best be called the sleeping mutant/giant mutant/behemoth.

Here is some art from 324b21 that may even be a teaser for a future comic. Things of this ilk are good since I’m eventually going to be working on Fallout NPCs, quests, and wikis in the coming months and years.

This is also why the podcast will have an old timey radio theme, complete with pictures of goofy white folks hanging out and acting suburban. After all, there are no radios in Tamriel, Two-Tails deactivated them all with his machine hand. In post-apocalyptic America, however, there are radios, radio shows, and hickory.