Trafficking Captain and Goon

> Scripts > Province Bay > Trafficking Captain and Goon

player wakes up in a blur, sees 2 standing over him

wake up in a blur

What about this one?

No, too old. Plus you can tell she’s a psycho addict by the needle marks in her arm.

All right, what about this one? 

A little on the scrawny side, but he’ll do.

And her?/And him?

Hmmm…they’ll like this one for sure. Even got all her teeth/Even got all his teeth.

Seems like he’s waking up./Seems like she’s waking up.

Hahaha, poor little scav has no idea what he’s in for. /poor little scav has no idea what she’s in for.

get knocked out, yada yada

Hey! Hey! You up?
Whew. Thought for a second there you were a goner. Kaput. Zero health.
But you’re alive! That’s a start.

Shut up back there!

Ornery type, isn’t he? I bet he wouldn’t be so angry if we weren’t tied up.

All right, you three! Get up! We’ve reached the island.

walk out on deck, see island

What the fuck…

You wanted to go to Province Bay, didn’t ya? Well go on then!

But shouldn’t we dock closer to the beach?

Hahaha, the moron thinks we ought to get in closer. Maybe risk the mines and the turrets and the godforsaken Guard!
Well sure! We can do that! And would you like a life preserver as well?

Well, if you don’t mind…

Of course! Right this way sir.

Captain kicks guy off the plank, guards aim guns at the rest


player put to the plank

Now if any of you other idiots want bitch and moan, be my guest.
But in the end, if you want to get to Province Bay, you’re gonna have to swim.

You really think you can get away this?
I think I just did. Enjoy your stay!

Fuck you.
Not today sweetheart.
Not today buddy.

Great. Thanks for nothing.
You’re welcome. Enjoy your stay!

Stay silent
Enjoy your stay!

kicks player off