
Something you need?
What is it?

Are you Ariele’s ward?
Sure. That’s me.

You will address me properly, young lady.
I don’t even know what that means.

I’m here to rescue you.
From what? I’m not the one in the cage.

What are you doing loitering here? Ariele needs you.
Well, so does my friend.

Why haven’t you returned to Ariele?
It’s my partner, the lizard. He got himself holed up in the dungeon for a week.

Ariele said you were gone for two weeks, not one.
Yeah. He got jailed for a week. Then he punched a guard. That made it two.

How did the Argonian get himself in jail?
Some drunk picked a fight with me. The lizard stepped in. Didn’t know he cared.

How is your friend faring?
He’s got the witbane. The kind that doesn’t fix. Not a talker like me.
But he’s strong as an ox. I’m not worried.

Are you concerned about Ariele?
Not really. She always tells us not to worry, so I don’t.
But yeah, the old lady’s like a Ma and a Pa. So it’s not like I want her going anywhere.

I want to go back to some other questions.
All right.

How did you two become her wards?
We were squatters. Thought she was gonna kill us when she found out. Never thought she’d ask us to stay.
The old lady’s been good to us. Not many are.

Tell me about the Argonian.
Orphan, like me, but he’s got it worse. Gods cursed me twice, but at least I don’t have scales.
No offense. Just makes it, you know, harder to beg.

Does it bother you that Ariele’s a vampire?
(Shrugs) Nobody’s perfect.

What can I do to help?
Only one way out of jail. Well, there’s technically four ways, but the other three are kind of stupid.
If you’re smart you bribe the guard.

guard bribed, scene starts

You should say thank you.

I don’t like strangers.

Fair enough.

to player

We should head back to Ariele’s. She’s probably hungry.


We should keep moving.
All right then.

More time we waste, more likely the lizard gets lost.

We’ll follow you back home. Better to travel in a group.

Let’s hurry. Got to make sure the old lady gets her stuff.

Don’t worry, the lizard’s not contagious. But just so you know, I am.