This video shows a few extra tweaks I want to implement for the next update. Previously, the console could be used to mute NPCs, but now they’ll be given a vanilla voice type and turned into clutter. All scenes involving the NPCs will also be turned off as well.
Your voice sound fine. You actually remind me of a Youtube LPer, Cryaotic.
just downloaded this again after coming back from a Skyrim break and i have to say this is one of my favourite mods the amount of work that has gone into this is outstanding Thank you and everyone involved for bringing Skyrim to Life well i am going off to play Skyrim and see what has changed since last time.
Oh and yeah don’t worry about your voice everyone hates hearing there own voice lol
your voice is fine and the kajjit is really good, but i like said fironet voice is horrible lol
hmmm yeah this is actually great, can you also add like the option to make them disappear and not just turn into clutter?
wait no i have a better idea, that command should also disable text dialogues, because text dialogues without voice is immersion breaking.
The clutter option is to maintain immersion (other NPCs may refer to them).
There is already a disable mechanism. If you weren’t aware, opening the console, clicking on an NPC and typing “disable” will disable them.
i mean an option that disable say every NPCs that refer to a particular NPCs, every quest related to the NPCs and disable text dialogues for maximum immersion and consistency.
you should add an exe file that allows you to disable any npcs before installing the mod.
How about you play the game as if you would act in real life; if you don’t like someone’s voice, just don’t talk to them. Though that’s not really how things work in the real world, but it’s a heck of a lot more immersive than using a console or whatever..
also, have you thought about adding high-level quests? i am pretty sure everyone is like lvl 99 by now.