Yes, I totally know a modder shouldn’t look for VAs until a mod is done, but come on that’s a long way off. Truthfully, I probably won’t actually work on this quest until the next next version (1.6) after all the merging cleanup is done and 1.5 is posted, but I did write the script, so I wanted to put the feelers out and see if there’s any interest. After all, you, my fellow 3DNPCs actors and readers, get first peek and preferred casting. I won’t post these roles publicly until it’s actually made.
6 New open roles in Anna NPCs (male and female)
3 for weddings, 3 for a new quest (WIP)
By the way, love love LOVE that Man Meresine art! DAMN and hubba! Heehee ^.^ Wish I could draw like that…