Episode 2: Shrike

It’s Wednesday, which means a new podcast episode, huzzah. Well, Wednesday in my time zone at least. Editing took a little longer than usual due to some technical snags, but fortunately the universe revolves around America, so…uh…USA, USA, USA!!!


This week Christian and Anna interview Shrike, one of the key contributors to Anna NPCs as well as a couple of his own mods.

4 thoughts on “Episode 2: Shrike

  1. Do you guys need suggestions on Nexus mod makers to try and get interviews with? I would love to hear from some armor mod authors like Elleh (Headge Mage Armor) or frankdema (Nordic Ranger Outfit); or content/overhaul mod authors like spwned (Moonlight Tales) or perseid9 (Perseids Inns and Taverns – Realistic Room Rental.) Well, if you guys can get a hold of them anyway. If I remember right from the first episode Christian mentioned a lot of the mod authors are pretty shy.

    1. Yeah, Anna did go through her rolodex and contact a lot of the big modders, so hopefully that will bear fruit. I’m sure she’ll check out the ones you listed as well.

      It all comes down to someone actually willing to talk in person, even some of the actors have been too shy to come on as guests, so modders are probably more guarded.

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