Dalum Ei


Encounter Morthal Moorside Inn
Locations Moorside Inn, Hjaalmarch
Quests Honor’s Calling
Race Argonian Gender Male
Level PCx2 Class CombatWarrior1H
RefID XX142a90 BaseID XX142A8E
Health Levels with PC Magicka Levels with PC
Stamina Levels with PC
Primary Skills One-handed, Archery, Block, Heavy Armor
Morality No Crime Confidence Average
Inventory ArmorSteelPlateNoHelmetOutfit, Steel Shield, Honorbound, Potion of Ultimate Healing, Potion of Ultimate Stamina
Voice Trent “StellarCircleFive” Martin

Dalum-Ei is the leader and founder of the Honorable Eight, a company of fighters in Black Marsh. Dalum-Ei formed the group in hopes of atoning for the sins he accumulated as a soldier in the Great War, refusing to compromise honor regardless of the cost.