

Encounter Mistwatch
Locations Mistwatch, Winterhold
Quests Black Robes
Race Imperial Gender Male
Level PC×1 (Max: 40) Class CombatMageDestruction
RefID XX2449a3 BaseID XX2449A2
Health Levels with PC Magicka Levels with PC
Stamina Levels with PC
Primary Skills Destruction, Restoration, Alteration, Sneak
Morality Violence Against Enemies Confidence Average
Inventory EnchClothesMageRobesAppMagickaRate01, ArmorLeatherBoots, LItemWarlockDagger, LootCWImperialScrolls10
Voice Ryan Cooper

Lattimore is a mage introduced in the Black Robes quest. He is searching for the mute boy that Anum-La brought to Skyrim. A member of the Synod, Lattimore has a deep dislike for the College of Whispers.