Fallout Person 3

> Scripts > Long Term Roles and Projects > Fallout Person 3


What do you do here?
What does it look like? I fix things that are broke.

So you’re a mechanic.
Only when we got work. Most days, I’m just a girl with a wrench.

My mind is broken. Can you fix that?
Why, did the doc say you got a screw loose?
Well, I hate to break it to you, but a screwdriver ain’t gonna fix it.

I can see that, but expertise varies. Not all mechanics can fix energy weapons and armor.
You got it backwards, actually. High-end tech is easy.
Try fixing an Adams-Farwell with nothing but a socket wrench and a screwdriver. Now that’s talent.

Oh good, I need help fixing my marriage.
Sorry hon, sounds to me like you ain’t got the tools.

Can you repair my gear?
Sure, if you got the money. Doesn’t have to be caps, but we ain’t running a charity here, so it can’t be nothing.

All right, what needs fixing?

How’d you come to work here?
Just followed the smell of tires and gasoline.
Eventually I come to this garage and find Old Man Johnson working on this here motorcycle.
He asked me if I could give him a hand. I told him “Shoot, I’ll give you two.”

Who runs the station?
That would be the old man I told you about.
He runs the store on account of his elbows being all out of grease.

Volt’s an unusual name.
It’s just a nickname. The boss said it was that or “wrench,” so it shouldn’t be much of a shock which one I chose.

Anything I can do to help?
Thanks, but no thanks. I ain’t one to get help from folks like you.

What do you mean, people like me?
It’s the way you carry yourself. You wander around this wasteland like you were made for this world.
Heh, but what does that say about you? I ain’t about to ask the devil for no favors.

What’s with the accent?
Hey, I’m Mojave born and bred, just like everyone else. It’s my parents that came from back east, and they’re the ones who taught me how to talk.
But the way I figure, I talk regular. It’s the rest of you that sound funny.


What is it?
What can I do for you?
Need something fixed?
You need supplies, check inside the station. If ya need something repaired, you’re already in the right place.
I’m off work. Come see me in the morning if you got things need fixing.
See ya.

Old man Johnson may be dead, but I ain’t running that store.