Old Busker


Truth is, I don’t know when I’ll play again. Just gotta wait until the mood strikes.

I taught myself to play the harmonica when I was five. It turns out I’m a pretty good teacher, but a horrible student.

I’m not a fan of old world music. The songs are good, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like the music loses its soul when it comes out of a record.

I started out trying to sing along with the music. Then I found out the harmonica had a much better voice.

I don’t take requests. It’s like letting someone else pick your clothes.

I get anxious when there’s a lot of people around. Sometimes I have to play them a song so I can forget they’re there.

I’ve played with a few other great musicians around the Commonwealth. I don’t wanna name drop though…it’d be like I need to validate myself through others.

Is it bad that I like to laugh at my own jokes? Or bad that I feel bad about it? I wish I didn’t think about it at all.

When you’re alone you tend to think too much. That’s why I like playing music. It’s the only time I can turn my brain off.

Scene 1

I think people in the Commonwealth need to hear your story.

Kid, a story has to have an ending. Otherwise it’s just words.

Scene 2

I’m a bit nervous about this whole interview thing.

Why, are you afraid I won’t capture the real you?

I’m afraid you will.

Scene 3

Where’s the inspiration for your music come from?

Well, some of it’s personal, some of it I just make up.
The funny thing is, people like the fake stuff better.

What do you think that says about the people?

I don’t know. I’m a musician, not a shrink.

Scene 4

We used to love your bits on Diamond City radio. Why don’t you play anymore?

It got to being too much. People knowing my name, wanting to hear this and say that. I’m just a simple man. I don’t want that kind of attention.

But you agreed to do this interview.

Ha, I didn’t agree to nothing. You’re just here talking to me, and it’d be rude not to say anything back.