A lot of people give me crap about my weight. But honey, it’s not my fault their skinny asses can’t afford to eat.

When I get on stage I become a different person. You think I got sass now? You ain’t seen nothing yet.

If you got the blues, then baby, I’m your stimpak.

Hope you brought your rocking shoes, honey.

I first heard about this place from my cousin Jenny. She told my sister Sally, who told my Uncle Roddy, who told me. I’ve been here ever since.

Don’t even think about chatting away when I’m on stage. That won’t fly with me.

Scene 1

You be careful on stage, sister. You move those hips any faster and the boys are likely to faint.

That ain’t my problem, honey. And it ain’t yours neither.

Scene 2

Where did you learn to do that routine, anyway?

I’ve been shaking and jiving since the day I was born. Only difference now is I got an audience.

Scene 3

Honey, you can’t be singing those sad, sappy songs all the time. You got a voice, doncha? Use it!


Here’s the song type, but any song in this vein works: