
> Scripts > Open Roles > Settlers




Need something?

conversation start

Hey, is it true? You’re recruiting workers for a new settlement?
I might be interested. Provided you’re actually a carpenter and not, you know, an Institute spy.

Do I look like a carpenter to you?
So does that mean you are a spy? But then why would you admit it? I’m so confused.
Anyways, I want to work on a settlement. Carpenters build settlements. If you know of one, maybe you could point me in the right direction?

What makes you say that?
Just being careful. New settlements can be Institute traps, slavers, or worse.
I heard there was one recruiter that only picked up females; turned out the guy was just trying to make a harem.
Your name isn’t Dave, is it? Eh, it doesn’t matter.

(Female pc) You don’t look like a Dave, though. More like a Davette.

Point is, I’m looking for work if you got it.

Oh good. I was hoping for a chance to rescue some more helpless villagers.
Hey, I never said I was helpless. I just need the work. And the food. And a hug every now and then wouldn’t hurt either.
But yeah, new settlements can be Institute traps, slavers, or worse.

Ah fine. I’m an Institute spy and we want our data back.
Sarcasm, nice. Which means you’re probably human. Definitely, probably, maybe a human.
Although granted, there’s worse things out there than synths.

You know, I’ve got a great place you could set up permanently. Interested?
Really? I’ll go get my things then! Oh wait, I don’t have any things. Not even a pet. It’s kind of lonely, if you think about it.
Anyways, just tell me where to go and I’ll be there.


if player says no first time

Hey, you’re back! Need someone to work on that settlement?

Sure. I’ve got a great place you can set up permanently. Interested?
Hell yeah I’m interested. Just tell me the when and where.

Great! I’ll see you there.

Hey boss.

Hey chief.

I wonder why no one thought to build a settlement here before. Do you think the soil’s bad?

The Institute has spies all over the Commonwealth. Or had, before they got blown up.
(optional if Institute not blown up) They’re very nosy.

This settlement is gonna last months. Maybe even years! I have faith in you chief.

Do you think at some point we’ll have our own flag? It should have glitter on it I think.

Thanks for letting me work here. I even managed to save up a few caps here and there.

Rise and shine!

Good morning.

So, what’s for dinner?

Getting late.

Looks like rain. I hope it doesn’t burn this time.

(Hum a song or two)

I know it’s always an issue out here, but I wouldn’t worry too much about the bed situation. Everywhere’s a bed if you try hard enough.

Note: mutfruit is pronounced mute-fruit

I think mutfruit smells better than it tastes. I even squished a few berries on my neck so it works like a perfume.

I like being part of a settlement because then I don’t have to cook, I can just watch.

One of the settlers suggested dressing up in raider costumes as a prank, but I told them you might just come home and shoot us, so it wouldn’t be very funny.

Does wood rot faster than metal rusts? Not sure what’s better to build with.

We should all have personalized handshakes. It’s a good way to spot synths.
That’s because robots don’t have the best hand-eye coordination. Probably cause they don’t have real hands. Or eyes.

It’s good to work hard, but not too hard. Only a machine doesn’t get tired.

Everyone knows robots can’t cook. That’s why I have to work extra hard at all the other human things, or else people will get suspicious.
Like for instance, laughing! Ha-ha-ha! See? Totally human!

Do cats eat toast? I think I saw one scamper around here, but I don’t want to make a bad first impression.

We should build bikes. Bikes for riding, bikes for electricity, stuff like that.
The wheel is man’s greatest invention, we shouldn’t let it go to waste. Although maybe it’s not so great, if we aren’t using it.

Taking a break, chief?

Every once in a while I remember that thing I forget. But now is not that time.

I hope the raiders leave us alone this month.

What’s the one thing you can’t imagine life without? For me, it’s probably insomnia. But snacks are a close second.

Not gonna lie, I could use about a month of sleep right now. But the mind just won’t stop.

Most nights, I kind of just lie on my bed and close my eyes. Can’t let people think I’m a synth or something. That would be bad.

I saw a settler wearing a Nuka-Cola T-Shirt the other day! From another settlement, not this one. Do you think they dress better than us?

If the river water tastes bad, sometimes I’ll bottle it up before drinking. Helps trick the ol’ noggin.

We should name a settlement after you. Not all of them, that would be confusing. Maybe just two or three.

Gotta make sure to inspect every piece of merchandise the caravans bring in. Never know if the Institute’s bugged ’em.

They say beggars can’t be choosy. But that means we can be picky, right? Totally not the same thing. They only share like, one letter.

I want to start a club. I’m just not sure what for. Basketball? Cards? Backgammon? Also, the goal is to figure out if any of the members are synths.

I’m actually a really good basketball player, at least, playing with today’s rules. Not sure if they used ladders and guns in the old days.

I hope I’m earning my keep, boss. Just let me know if I’m slacking.

There’s nothing super about super mutants. We should call them “Really mean and buffed but totally gross mutants.” That would totally catch on.

I wonder if there’s a Super Mutant who hates lifting weights and has totally let himself go.

Turrets, electricity, why is everything so loud?