Theater Guard

> Scripts > Province Bay > Theater Guard

No one’s allowed in the theater unless you’re part of the crew.

Sorry, no tourists.

Rules are rules.

Since when am I not part of the crew, you bloody bilge rat?

Fuck Zoe, didn’t see you back there. You friends with this tourist?

Friends, fuck buddies, what’s it to you? Just let us inside before I tell the crew what I caught you doing the other day.

I don’t know what you’re talking about.You didn’t see shit.

Oh? So I didn’t walk in on you giving your dick an Indian burn to pictures of Keith McKinney.

Jesus, you don’t have to do me like that.

Then let us inside.

All right, all right. But don’t blame me if the Captain burns your ears off.


post-entry greets

I don’t know what Zoe’s talking about. Keith McKinney? Fuck outta here.

She didn’t see nothing, you didn’t see nothing. Got it?

The Captain‘s got a bit of a temper. Depends on what movie he’s watching though.

Gotta keep my eyes peeled for them Tankers. They’re the kind of motherfuckers that’ll stab you in the back and then piss in the hole.

A lot of tanker boys got the sickness. If they run out of juice they turn into animals.

Ever been to the marshlands out east? They say ghosts live in those trees.