Settler 22

> Scripts > Open Roles > Settlers > Settler 22

I’ve been staying here for a few days now, but I’m running out of food. Do you know any place close by that’s hiring?

Work for me
That’d be okay I guess. Where’s your settlement?


I get really nervous around people.

I like jobs where I don’t have to talk to people.

Oh! You scared me.

Oh, um…Hi! I mean, um, hello, uh, sir.

(alt) I mean, um, hello, uh, ma’am.

Ahem! Um…I uh…I forgot what I was gonna say.

Don’t mind me. Just uh…hanging out. Yes. That’s what I’m doing. Hanging out.

Do you like holotape games? I like the role playing ones.

I’m on my fourth playthrough of Grognak and the Ruby Ruins. I’ve probably put in close to a 1000 hours into that game.

I guess real life is a lot different than holotape games. If a bloatfly attacks you don’t take turns hitting each other.

Do you play any tabletop games? I’m not a very good dungeon master, but maybe you know one?
Never mind, it was a stupid idea. (mumbling to self) Stupid, stupid, stupid!

I ran away from home. I don’t really wanna say much more.

Things back home were rough. I’m glad I’m here now.

If you wanna fire me, I get it. I’m kind of useless.

I like to collect bobbleheads. They’re really cute.

Some bobbleheads are rarer than others. I even have a limited edition speech one. Doesn’t help me talk to people though.

Do you think the other settlers hate me? I kind of feel like they do.

I um…uh…never mind.

Do you um…well…um…forget I said anything.

I get night terrors sometimes. People kind of dismiss it when I tell them but it’s really scary.

I wish leveling up was as easy in real life as it is in games.

Lately I’ve been trying to raise my hit points. But exercise hurts.

In the Grognak game, you have to form a band of adventurers to slay the evil Grelok. Am I…am I one of your  adventurer friends?
No, don’t answer that, it was a stupid question. I’m just a nobody.

In the Grognak game, Grelok is an evil monster that turns people into zombies.
So I was thinking if ferals exist, maybe Grelok exists. And if Grelok exists, maybe magic and dragons and warlocks exist too!

I like to role play as a mage. Magic is way cooler than guns.

I wish I could use magic. Then I could change everything.

I lost my big brother when I was eight. If I could find the Chapel of Resurrection, I could bring him back, and he’d never let dad drink again.

I have some dice my brother gave me. I try and pass a charisma check before I talk to anyone, just to make sure.

I wish I could re-roll my character.

If I had to guess, my character is magic based. But if there’s no magic in the world, I’m kind of screwed.

Wow, your character has high charisma. You probably don’t even need to roll.

Hey, your character’s low charisma like me.

I rolled my dice, and it said you passed a strength check. Dexterity could use some work though.

I rolled my dice, and it said you passed both a strength and a dexterity check. This is really gonna help our campaign.

I take it you don’t pass many strength checks. Me neither.

According to my dice rolls, you have really high perception. Let me know if any goblins get near the settlement so I can hide.

So…uh…what’s your favorite color? Oh god, that was a dumb question, forget I asked.

I’ve never had alcohol before. Do you think if I drank more people would like me?

I like sleeping next to a night light, if that’s okay. I know some people don’t like it.

When I get really nervous, I like to eat. Chewing things helps calm me down.