Settler 34

> Scripts > Open Roles > Settlers > Settler 34

If you know of any sanitary places I can settle, I’d love to hear about it.

Work for me
Excellent! I’ve already packed, just let me know where you’d like me to work.


It’s important not just to boil water, but do so for at least 10 minutes.
Otherwise you can leave spores that can produce bacteria when the water cools.

Parasites, bacteria, microbes…sometimes those are more dangerous than a gang of super mutants.

I feel like in most settlements I get pigeonholed as the nerd. No one looks at me and asks me to chop firewood.

One good way to start a fire is to put a drop of water on a pair of glasses and then using the sun to light an ember.

I don’t know if I trust the other settlers. Maybe I’m just being paranoid, but some of them look like they’ve done hard time.

Most people look at me and say I’m weak. I want to be offended but the problem is they’re entirely accurate.

The idea of having to fight off raider attacks is mortifying. Hopefully you’ve got adequate defenses.

I like to be transparent with my flaws. I feel like if your expectations are low to begin with I can find a way to exceed them.

My biggest fear is probably dying young. Okay, my second biggest fear. Being eaten alive by bloodbugs is probably the first.

I used to wear glasses just to give the impression I was smart. My eyes are actually pretty good.

I battled social anxiety a lot as a kid. Although most of the time it was more of a slaughter than a battle.

Settlements are a good way to meet people you otherwise would’ve never talked to.

I want to do a study on various settlements some day. There’s an interesting cross-section of subcultures in the Commonwealth that’s just dying to be explored.

I hope all the power doesn’t go to your head. If it were me I’d probably turn into some Lothario or something, but only for about a week before I wilted into a shriveling mess.

(alt if female actor) I hope all the power doesn’t go to your head. If it were me I’d probably turn into some female Lothario or something, but only for about a week before I wilted into a shriveling mess.

I don’t really pay attention to the politics of the wastes. It’s like a hydra. Even if you chop off a head, it just regenerates and then you’re lunch.

I came into this wanting to be the settler who was witty and clever, but now I just want to survive.

It’s important to keep busy. When I have free time, I like to draw people. From the waist up, mostly. I have trouble drawing feet.

I’m pretty much a self taught artist. I started out drawing stick figures. They’ve since put on some weight.

It’s mostly just a hobby, but I once sold a sketch to a trader for a cup of noodles. I don’t know if he liked the art or if he just saw how hungry I was.

Some people draw and some people doodle. Me, I like to do both. I’m basically a scribbler turned sketch artist.

One of these days you should let me draw your portrait.
Although I’d prefer if you put your hands behind your back since those are hard to draw.