
> Scripts > Open Roles > Marathea

INT. Winking Skeever

The aspects of Mara and Julianos, two Divines, are seated at a table on the balcony upstairs. The two are having an argument when the player approaches and overhears them.



You’re wrong, you know. Not only wrong, but tragically so.

Oh, save the lecture for someone foolish enough to believe it. There is no greater pursuit in this world. 

And where has it gotten you? I almost feel like you’re proving my point.
But fine, humor me. What gifts does your knowledge and wisdom provide?

Wisdom can expand one’s mind as vast as the night sky.

But what is the sky without the stars to shine it? Love is the thing. It will always be the thing.

Fleeting, fickle, and forgotten. That is love’s destiny. No one knows how to make love stay. Not even you.


She’s always been a stubborn one. Never listens to reason.
I wouldn’t deign to speak to her at all, if I didn’t so enjoy being proven right.

Who are you two?
You might say we’re travelers. A more discerning mind would see our robes and call us scholars.

How long are you staying here?
We don’t plan on staying for more than a fortnight, perhaps a month at the most.
It’s mostly my partner’s doing. Rarely does a place hold her attention for long.

What can you tell me about this man you want me to help?
That he doesn’t need any help. He was just fine when we found him, and will remain so as long as he stays.


I don’t suppose you heard our little argument. Things always get heated when one speaks from the heart.
A shame my friend often forgets he has one.
But perhaps you can settle this quarrel. Tell me, what do you think is the greater power, wisdom or love?


See, I knew I was right to ask you! And you don’t find it fickle like my friend does?

I believe love can last forever.
So you’re a true romantic. Some may call you naive, but in truth, it’s they who lack the experience.

I don’t know. But I still prefer it to wisdom.
I suppose that says more about wisdom than it does about love, but I suppose you’re on the right track.

It’s definitely fickle, but still worth pursuing.
Well said. It’s not a matter of whether it stays. Give me a moment of love over a lifetime of learning.

I’ve never stopped loving myself, so no.
Well, that’s not quite the love I was referring to, but I’ll allow it.

Although I fear our words alone won’t be enough to convince my friend of his error.

So you’re taking his side? You really must believe it’s true if you’re willing to stomach his gloating.

Oh, don’t be a sore loser. Unlike some people, this stranger doesn’t let emotion cloud their judgment. 

Tell me, what form of wisdom do you favor most?

The power gained from magic, alchemy and enchanting.

A good choice. Just as the carpenter has his hammer, we too have our tools.

Learning the secrets of the gods.

Ah, to translate the transmundane. A noble goal, and I salute you.

The wisdom to know when to walk away from an argument.

And why would I walk away from certain victory?

I don’t know, I picked it on a whim.

Well, as they say, true wisdom is in knowing nothing. And you just may have that market cornered.

Well, I’m glad my colleague here has a someone who shares his interests. Hopefully that’s the extent of it.
Still, I don’t think this necessarily settles things. After all, I can just as easily find someone in this tavern who would agree with me as well.


I don’t care for either.

Well, that’s not very sporting, is it. Not only have we not settled the previous argument, you’re trying to start another one.

I’d say both are worthy pursuits.

Oh, don’t be so diplomatic. We need to settle this. The worst kind of argument is one without a resolution.

True power comes with a strong hand and a big sword.

Well, in your case you may be right, but it still doesn’t help settle our argument.


Is there any way I can I help settle your argument?

Well, if words fail, perhaps it’s time to show rather than tell.
It just so happens that on our way here we passed a small island.
On this island was a man named Nifram. He has a problem.
All we’d like you to do is help him solve it. And in doing so, it will tell us everything we need to know.

Who is this man?
He’s the main reason we’re having this whole disagreement. Any more information would influence your opinion, and we want this wager to be fair.

Where can I find him?
I can’t say for sure, but there’s an Argonian ferryman by the dock who will take you, if you give him this token.
It’ll take a day’s journey, but the boat should suffice. After all, it’s close enough to paddle, but too far to swim.

Tell me more about yourself.
There’s not much to tell. Once upon a time, I could regale you with stories about my life.
But age tends to remove life of its surprises. Now we live vicariously through the youth of others.

All right, I’ll talk to this ferryman.
Excellent! It seems our friendly wager will find a conclusion after all.
I can’t wait to see my partner’s face when he finally admits to being wrong. It will be quite the event I’m sure.


(mid-quest scene, player finds themselves back at the Winking Skeever as part of a dream sequence, and overhears Mara and Julianos arguing again)

How do you think our friend is faring? Personally, I’d say things are going exactly as I predicted.

Oh please. He hasn’t even met the man and you’re already claiming victory.
(alt) She hasn’t even met the man and you’re already claiming victory.

You forget, more time works in my favor, not yours.

All I’m saying is, nothing is over until a decision is made.

Fine, in the meantime, let’s order another drink.


Post-Quest (Lycan Dead)

You can’t possibly claim victory, given what happened.

Why not? Clearly it was love that drove the choices here.

Not in the slightest. They offered the Elf up because it was the logical decision to save the many over the few.

His sacrifice was driven by love.

(alt) They let the ghosts in the village die and prioritized their own safety.

(alt) Because they loved each other.

No, it was simply the wise thing to do.

Well, let’s see what our friend has to say first.

Ah, so you’ve returned at last. It seems my partner and I continue to disagree, even though you so elegantly demonstrated why I am right.
You sacrificed the Bosmer and saved the village.

What drove this decision to sacrifice the Elf? Was it the heart, or the mind? Love, or logic?

(alt) You denied the sorcerer’s request and chose to save your friends, even if in the end, it came at a price.
What drove this decision to sacrifice no one, and let the village ghosts die? Was it the heart, or the mind? Love, or logic?

(alt) You tried to sacrifice the Nord, but she refused, and the village changed forever.
What drove this outcome in the end? Was it the heart, or the mind? Love, or logic?


The heart.
Well, there you have it. I win.

I demand a best two out of three. One incident is obviously not a large enough sample size.

Oh will you just admit you lost. It’s only a drink.

And you will likely choose the most expensive option on the menu.

Of course. But only because I know it’ll hurt you more if I do.


As for you, you deserve a reward as well. Here. A token of my appreciation.
My partner would have given you gold, but my gift is from the heart. Use it well.

The mind.
Then as much as I hate to say it, I concede.

Oh, how I’ve wanted to hear those words from your lips for so long. You owe me a drink.

Does it have to be now? You’re insufferable when drunk.

It will be at a time and place of my choosing. The wiser course is to wait, and let you stew in your defeat.


As for you, you deserve a reward as well. Here.
Gold, after all, is the most practical of all gifts. Spend it wisely, as I would.

Even if true, for the sake of our argument, that answer serves no purpose.
Surely between love and wisdom, one had to play more of a role than the other.

I don’t care. I’m through playing your games.


This next boat ride is going to be a chore. My partner can be an insufferable toad when he wins a wager.

Wisdom and wit claim victory once again. When will people learn that emotion is a weakness?


I love seeing my partner angry. It’s nice to see some kind of emotion out of him.

Clearly this experiment was tainted. The next one will have far less variables.










Tell me a story.

If I could I would, but the words evade me.

Oh just try it. It’s like re-learning how to ride a horse.

Since when have you ever ridden a horse?

I’ve ridden several in my time, mostly when you weren’t watching.

I’m always watching, that’s what I do.

I want to hear something in your own words











(“Stranded” is a noun/name applied to the player)



Need something, stranded?

What is it?

Speak, stranded.


All right then.


Safe travels.

By Ylldra’s wisdom.

May Ylldra watch over you.


Misc quest list

Quest to shoot down bird that has note (pen pal) Add letter to container with global

Blacksmith challenge/contest between Orc and Nord

Elder Tynne trapped?