Would you like to buy some flowers, mister?
Would you like to buy some flowers, miss?
I would.
You would? That’s great! Here’s what I got.
I would not.
Aw man.
Flowers make me sneeze.
They do? Maybe I should sell handkerchiefs too!
Get away from me, filthy urchin.
You’re mean. But grandda says the customer is always right so…I guess I need to be less filthy!
What have you got for sale?
Pretty flowers for a pretty lady!
Pretty flowers for a handsome hero!
Take a look.
Where do you get your flowers?
Grandda tells me I should say they’re shipped here from all over the world.
But I kind of just pick them from people’s yards.
Do you have family here?
Just my grandda. My parents would be here, but they’re on a secret quest to save the world!
But grandda tells me stories about them, so it’s almost like they’re here!
Except they aren’t here. They’ve abandoned you.
You’re just saying that because you’re a meanie.
Well, I hope an even meaner troll eats you!
A secret quest? What’s it about?
If I told you, it wouldn’t be a secret!
That’s wonderful. I’m glad you can get to know them.
Me too! There aren’t any other kids to play with, so it really helps having them around.
You should tell me a story sometime, so I can meet them too.
I should! You’d really like them! They’re both really smart and strong and good at selling, just like me!
That’s nice, kid. Now move along.
Move along? Where?
(anja pronounced An-ya)
(the Mmmmmm is just a noise she makes while thinking)
Is there anything I can help you with?
Mmmm…There is one thing. I can’t find Anja.
She’s my doll. My momma gave her to me before she left. To remember her by.
Can you tell me a little more about her?
(repeat of above)
I know exactly where she is. Her body, anyway.
Anja’s not a person. She’s my doll.
Do you have any idea where she might be?
Mmmm…I was playing with her by the coast, near the upside-down boat, right next to the old messed up house.
I went to sit on a rock, but the rock popped out of the ground and snipped me! I think it was a mudcrab!
Anyways, I was so surprised I ran all the way back home, but I think I might’ve dropped Anja when I did.
Messed up house? That’s my home you’re talking about!
I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be mean. I just want my doll back.
Do you think you might be able to find her for me?
That house is in rough shape. I feel sorry for whoever has to live in it.
It’d make a good home for a mudcrab. Just not my Anja.
That’s so sad. I bet you miss her.
I really do. A whole bunch. A hundred, maybe two hundred bunches!
So it’s vengeance you seek. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure this mudcrab suffers.
No, don’t hurt it! I think it was just scared.
I’d give it a great big hug and tell it I’m sorry, but mudcrabs aren’t so good at hugs.
But you’re big and strong, and can hug anything! Maybe you can go find Anja for me too?
I’m still not sure why I should care.
Because you’d be helping me out! And it’s the right thing to do!
I wish I could give you a discount at the store, but Grandda is pretty strict with his prices.
But maybe you’ll find her out of the kindness of your heart? Pretty please?
Okay, I’ll look for her.
Thank you so much! Anja really means a lot to me.
She’s my best friend in the whole, whole, whole, whole, whole wide world!
Let me know if you find her!
Sorry kid, you’re on your own.
I found Anja. Here.
By Ylldra! You found her! I’m so happy to have her back! And what about Mister Mudcrab?
Dead, I’m afraid.
I was afraid of that. I never wanted him to get hurt.
But I’ll pray to Ylldra his soul finds peace in mudcrab heaven.
Thanks though, for helping Anja. It means a lot.
I challenged him to single combat and won.
He said you’re a good child and he’s sorry he pinched you.
Wow, he sounds really nice! I bet he kept Anja safe too!
He’s fine. The doll was in a bucket.
Oh wow! It’s like he was protecting her!
We should give him a name to thank him.
What do you think about Sir Snippyton?
It’s a great name.
I think so! I bet he really likes to snip. A ton.
Anyways, thanks for helping me out! It means a lot!
Sure, why not.
Great! Sir Snippyton it is.
That’s a terrible name for a mudcrab. Shame on you.
Is it? I think it’s perfect, and Anja does too!
All in favor, say aye! “Aye!”
Court is adjourned! Well, looks like that’s settled! But either way, thanks a lot for all your help!
Thanks again for finding Anja. Grandda’s kind of old, so sometimes she’s the only person I can talk to.
Scene with Ylldi
Does Aunt Ylldi need some water?
No, I’m fine Dastri. Why do you ask?
Well, my grandda says you only have half the blood of other Nords. So I was thinking you might be parched.
Well, I can’t say he’s wrong.
Scene with Lycan
Why does your friend live outside the village? Does he not like us?
I like the village plenty.
Then why don’t you stay here?
Well, I suppose it’s the difference between having a bug in a jar, and one crawl up your leg.
Ew, but bugs are gross!
Gross, and potentially poisonous. Best to keep us behind the glass.
Scene with Mojari
Uncle Fishbane! Can you tell me the story about how you caught the slaughterfish?
Of course, little child! Do you have an hour or two to spare? It’s a long tale, full of harrowing ups and downs!
An hour? Hm, maybe I should check with grandda first.
I remember you. You’re the meanie.
I wanna be as good a shopkeep as my grandda!
My grandda could sell ice to a horker!
My grandda says I need to remember my A-B-Cs. “Always be selling.” Selling starts with a “C”, right?
I heard that on the mainland, people eat their bread with a fork.
I heard that on the mainland, rich people have dragons for pets. Are you rich?
I read somewhere that south of the river, there’s a big, big something, called a manor. Is that like table manners?
Take care.
All right then.
Do you think they’ll be all right, Grandda?
Of course child! You don’t think they’d go to all the trouble of saving you and not come back, do you?
Oh good! Then I’m going to wait here until they do!
(sees player)
You’re back! Did you do it? Did you really save the whole village?
Lycan did. We just helped.
The Wood Elf? In that case, I’m going to pray to him every night and thank him!
Yes we did.
Wow, thank you so much! I’m going to tell everyone how great you are!
And here, this is for you.
We didn’t do anything.
So who was it? The Elder? Well, whoever it was, give them a great big hug, from me!
You’re actually dead, kid. We just gave your ghost a body.
You’re mean. But I don’t care, because I’m alive again! Nothing you say can hurt me!
Post-Quest HQ
Being a ghost wasn’t very fun. But now I get to run and play and sell stuff at low, low prices again!
I wanted to give you a discount for being the village hero, but grandda wouldn’t allow it.
Is it true you can leave the island whenever you want? You should take me with you sometime!