
(Resurrected by big bad, who loved her)

Ylldra, is it really you?


You should not have brought me back. You took that Bosmer’s life, and for that, you must be punished.


I’m sorry, my love. I just wanted to see you again. Even if for a moment.


We never did get to say goodbye.


It’s all I ever wanted.


Then you shall have it. Rest now, my love. Your pain is over.


(turns to player and companion)

By the gods, Saint Ylldra?

I must apologize to the both of you, for the loss of your friend. This outcome was never my desire.
My love acted on his own, knowing the price he would have to pay.
And while my heart yearns to forgive him, I cannot ignore what he has done.


What happened to Lycan?
The flame you saw was the life of your friend, being spread throughout the island.
His spirit now guards the village, as mine once did.


Why did Nifram bring you back knowing he would die?
A sense of duty perhaps, or guilt. He blamed himself for my death, and the life I never lived.
Some might say his decision was far from prudent.
But wisdom can only do so much. In the end, he chose love.


Did you love Nifram?
I did, once upon a time. But centuries have gone by since then. In that time his love grew deeper, whereas I became something else altogether.
Do I still love him? I don’t know. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a mortal’s emotions.
Perhaps, in choosing death, he feared I wouldn’t.


What happened to you?
When I was young, I lost myself. I saw death rise from the ashes, and I assumed I was the same.
I thought the only way to prove it was to take my own life, foolish as it seems now.
But when I died in that ruin, the island took pity on me, and let my soul become one with it.
Thus a piece of me was there, in every blade of grass, in shallow ponds and olden trees, and leaves dancing in the wind.
In a way, I was the island’s guardian. Now that responsibility belongs to your friend.
A tragic loss, but take comfort in the fact his spirit still lives. Did he have a name?

(Alt) A tragic loss, but take comfort in the fact her spirit still lives. Did she have a name?


His name was Lycan.
Lycan. I rather like that name. I will see to it that the shrines are devoted to him, so that he can bless the people around him.


Her name was Ylldi.
Ylldi. Such is fate, that my successor would share so much of my name. And now the villagers will pray to her, and she will bless them as I once did.


Not one worth remembering, no.
That is unfortunate. Still, nameless as he may be, he will have purpose in death.
He will watch over the village and serve as its protector, as I once did.


Still, nameless as she may be, she will have purpose in death.


She will watch over the village and serve as its protector, as I once did.


I found this heart in the ruins. Did it belong to you?
What a strange island this is, to be able to hold one’s own beating heart in their hands.
Thank you for returning this to me. While the gesture is symbolic, perhaps in time, I can be the person I was. Heart and all.


What will you do now?
I’d rather not return to the village. As a mortal, I can only do so much.
I suppose I will honor the wishes of my former love, and live the life I deprived myself of so many years ago.
But, in my final act as this island’s guardian, I wish to reward you both for your heroism.
Take these tokens. The ferryman will know they’re from me.
But remember, once you leave, you can never return. So only do so when you are truly ready.


Thank you uh…your worship? Your saintliness?


Ylldra is just fine.


Thanks, Ylldra. This means a lot to me.


You’re welcome.


(alt if player didn’t say his name)
And his name was Lycan. My friend’s name. The one who sacrificed himself.


(alt repeat line)

Well, I’m sure you’re both eager to return. May the gods watch over you both on your journey home.