
> Captain Venrik > Shurzub


Been a while since someone got stranded here. So sorry in advance if the bed’s a little dusty.


Where does the inn get its name?
Well, the Captain and I used to be sailors on a ship called the Autumn Gale. It got eaten up by a storm and ended up in Pilgrim’s Trench.
If it weren’t for this amulet around my neck, we’d both be horker feed.
Anyways, winter comes after autumn, so that’s where I got the name.

What’s so special about your amulet?
My sister was a shaman for my old tribe. When I left the Stronghold, she forged me this amulet so I’d never drown.
I didn’t understand it at the time. It wasn’t until I boarded my first ship that I realized I’d spend my life at sea.

How did you come to own the inn?
Well, I work the inn. I don’t own it. Everything here belongs to the village.
As for how I got this job, well, I spoke to the Elder, and asked if I could work as a guard or a blacksmith.
He told me the village already had those things. What they needed was an innkeeper. So that’s where I ended up.
At least he let me rename the place.

What’s the deal with Captain Venrik?
Best I can tell, he’s been touched by Sheogorath.
I’ve asked around for a cure, but no luck. If he keeps this up, at some point I’m just going to knock him over the head and see if that wakes him.

You could just leave him.
I could, but he’s still my captain. That means something.
Besides, whatever sickness he has is temporary. And if it’s not, he’s already dead.

A knock on the head might work. Or it might kill him. 
Problem solved either way, right? I’d rather not kill him though. He’s a good man, at least, when he isn’t out of his mind.

You seem to be taking it all in good stride.
Why not? Everyone’s got problems. Mine just happen to be locked in a room, raving mad.

It’ll take more than that. He thinks you’re some kind of zombie.
I spent years living with sailors that had more barnacles than brains. So I’ve been called worse.

What can you tell me about this sword?
It’s inferior, like all Nord steel. Other than that, it looks like the same one Inska carries. Might be worth asking her about it.

Any rumors?

Ever met the Fishbane? All he does is talk about fish. Gets old real quick.

Akshei thinks there’s some disease spreading across the village. Well, whatever it is, the Captain’s got it.

I don’t talk much to Elder Tynne. Don’t have much in common with an Elf in a fancy mage robe and a haircut that costs more than my house.





You’re back. What can I do for you?

What can I get ya?

I’d like to rent a room.
All right. It’s yours for a day. It’s the single bed to my left.

You get hit in the head? You already rented a room.

Sorry. No gold, no bed.

I’ll show you to your room. Right this way.
Let me know if there’s anything else you need.

What do you have for sale?
Food, drinks…yeah, pretty much just food and drinks.

Let’s sate that appetite, shall we?

Got enough food to last all winter. Take a look.

Everything on the menu’s right here.

Blacksmith barter hellos

Take a look.

Everything you see here.

How does it feel to be a blacksmith again?
Like I’m back in the Stronghold. Only the people are pinker and the chief is an idiot.
Still, I don’t have the urge to leave the forge and become a sailor, so it’s been much better the second time.

Don’t pay attention to the Captain. He’s not all there.


Quest MQ02

Yeah. Check the cellar. Her, the priest, and the Wood Elf walked in just now. Like the start of a bad joke.

Do you want to hear the punchline?
Not particularly, no.

I’ve heard this one. It ends with everyone dead.
That doesn’t sound all that funny. But I’m an Orc. Humor’s not our thing.

Thanks, I’ll head to the cellar.
Yeah, and if you need anything to drink, just bang on the ceiling.

Quest MQ03

Captain Venrik is finally out of his room. This isn’t how I imagined it happening though.


What can you tell me about the town bard?
He’s a good worker. Keeps to himself. Doesn’t say much, doesn’t even sing.
I like that.

Do you know where the bard is?

Beats me. After the meeting with the Elder he just went off somewhere.
Can you play the lute? Maybe they can make you his replacement.


Venrik back to life and in his room.

Seems like the Captain’s back to normal. If you can call it that. What can I do for you?

Most of the town seems happy now that everyone’s back. It doesn’t really change things for me.

village ghosts gone

It seems like Captain Venrik was right in the end. There were zombies. He was just one of them.


Quest Misc

Olfar wants to challenge you to a smithing duel.
Ugh. Nords and their pride. Can’t be satisfied with being the second best blacksmith in town.
He has to make a fool of himself too.
Still, I can’t forge the nails for his coffin if I don’t have a hammer. And there’s none in this village I’ve found to my liking.

(alt) Ugh. You Nords and your pride.

Any idea where I can find you a suitable hammer?
Might be a waste of time, but there’s an old legend about a blacksmith who served Saint Ylldra.
They say he used his craftsmanship to seal a ruin filled with an army of the dead.
Some people think he lived in the old mill to the southeast.
I’m thinking there might be a hammer there worth swinging.

A good smith never blames their tools.
Yeah, I’ve heard that saying. But you try molding a piece of orichalcum with the wet noodles they got here. Ain’t happening.

Is it possible to have it brought over from Skyrim?
Sure, why don’t I just reach into my bag of ferry tokens and make the trip myself.
In case you haven’t noticed, most of us are stuck here. So unless some Stranded washes ashore with hammers coming out of his ears, I’m out of luck.


I found the hammer. 
Great. It’ll take me a couple days to forge something worthwhile. Tell Olfar I accept his challenge.


I’ve been waiting for this Orc. Time to put up or shut up.


Well, I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here. Because I’ve seen your metal. And this blade is superior in every way.


Big talk from a glorified bed hand. Let’s see it.


Hm, it has good weight, good balance, and the edge is flawless. Sharp, but not brittle.
By the gods, this thing isn’t just a weapon. It’s a work of art.


Stop with the sarcasm and judge it fairly.


I’m not being sarcastic, Orc. Did you really make this?


I did.


Well then, I can admit when I’m beat. The forge is yours. From now on, I’ll tend the inn.



It’s your lucky day Nord. I came here to concede. It seems like my time at sea has dulled my smithing skills. This is the best I could do.


Ha, is this what passes for a weapon in the Strongholds? I wouldn’t use this blade to carve a roast.


Yeah, yeah. No need to rub it in. I guess I’ll go back to tending the inn.



I didn’t expect the Nord to actually admit he was beat. I misjudged him.

It’s strange to work by the fire again. Strange, but welcome.

(If lost)
Can’t believe I lost that challenge.

I didn’t realize how much my skills eroded. I don’t belong anywhere near a forge at this point.

(if player pees on hearth)
That was disgusting what you did to the fire. You could at least wash your hands.


Venrik Scene

Do you need anything, Captain? Food? Drink?

I need a great many things. But nothing from a bloodless harpy like you!

In that case, I’m sure someone will leave a plate by the door.


Hey Captain, one of the villagers left a book you might find interesting. Should I slip it under the door?

Hmph. Would I like something to read? Yes. From you? No.

Well, I’m sure one of the rats will slide it under anyway.

Scene with Mojari

Hey Shurzub, have you seen the slaughterfish mounted on my door?
I bet in all your voyages, you’ve never seen one that big.

That’s a fish? Out in the ocean, we call that thing bait.