Morndas Mug

barware-mug-es-morndas-fullThis was posted on Facebook’s Skyrim Modders United.  Now you can drink your skoo– (I mean… coffee, or cocoa) in style with your “I hate Morndas” mug!  Available now at The Bethesda Store.

Just don’t drink from it in the company of a certain thief who stole the day, cause she’ll have something snarky to say about it, mark my words.  If she could read, that is.  Do they make a braille version, because I didn’t see that on the store pages…  So I guess the only way she’d know is if you told her.  Come to think of it, she actually might laugh, that jaded, derisive laugh she has.   Then she’d go fishing.  Maybe in your own home, to show you how annoying Morndas can really be.

Sorry, my thoughts ran away for a bit.  I was talking about a mug, right?  Should have her mug on it instead of the Dragonborn symbol.  Okay, bad pun.  Don’t punish me!

Open Roles – Anna NPCs

Yes, I totally know a modder shouldn’t look for VAs until a mod is done, but come on that’s a long way off.  Truthfully, I probably won’t actually work on this quest until the next next version (1.6) after all the merging cleanup is done and 1.5 is posted, but I did write the script, so I wanted to put the feelers out and see if there’s any interest.  After all, you, my fellow 3DNPCs actors and readers, get first peek and preferred casting.  I won’t post these roles publicly until it’s actually made.
6 New open roles in Anna NPCs (male and female)
3 for weddings, 3 for a new quest (WIP)

By the way, love love LOVE that Man Meresine art!  DAMN and hubba!  Heehee ^.^  Wish I could draw like that…

Gaming T-Shirts


Wandering around Comic-Con International, I found myself at one of the many T-Shirt stands, and several sort of geeky gaming ones jumped out at me.  Yeah, literally, jumped out. (*Cough* “Skyrim”…)

For all those who delight in jokes, webcomics, horror mini’s and other parody material spawned by the ubiquitous comment.  But hey, it IS pretty stale:

GeekGameShirtSkyrimArrow2What do you get when you cross Hello Kitty with Dragonborn in Iron armor?  Oh look, it even has the arrow in the knee… *facepalm*

GeekGameShirtSkyrimFus2To those who don’t like NPCs being essential… tough!!

EssentialI’m sure we’ve all had one like this…  Anyone know what (if any) game landmass this is?
