Warrior’s Life (Harp Version) by Anna Castiglioni

Here’s a harp cover of Giramor’s Warrior’s Life song, composed and performed by Anna Castiglioni. I decided to remove the requirement that Amalee listen to a previous version of the song before she learns it, because there are just way too many bards and seriously eff that.

You do still have to finish her quest. I also noticed while testing this that one of her hellos – the nirnroot one – was set to repeat 24/7, so I’m switching it to “SayOnce.” Anna’s also pretty good with recording, so I decided to give Amalee a dozen more hellos to be added sometime in the future. If you notice any other lines from other NPCs that need the “SayOnce” treatment, let me know.

Alassea’s Song by Merrigan

For fans of Alassea, here’s Merrigan with a video version of her eponymous song. In it you’ll find her flute playing, harp strumming, wind basking and hair brushing like a boss.

I’ve had this in the works for some time, but between pollen allergies and broken headphones and bloated bellies it’s had to take the backseat.

I tried to make a pretty video, but it ended up looking like one of those ultra-cheesy 80’s ballad videos. It was even worse when the light was golden, like right out of “Never Gonna Give You Up.” Hopefully the song is okay though. Ergh.

What, 80’s ballads are the best. By failing to age gracefully, they’ve managed to somehow age well. The 1980’s have. Memes, not so much.

On a side note, there was a lot of site downtime today, but not my fault, at least not directly. I did choose the hosting service, however, and I can be blamed for that. Evidently going with the shittiest company on the planet has its downsides. This is what I get for being lazy and trusting WordPress’ recommendation. Never again.