Look Ma, More Frames

Well lookee here, seems youtube is finally going to support videos done in 60 fps. Videos like this one.  Look at that smooth frame rate.

Also, that new Jade voice is by Lindsey Lorraine. I’ve been meaning to redo this one for ages.

Not 15, Not 16…


The mod reached 15,000 endorsements on Nexus the other day, and to celebrate I decided to get another thousand. But seeing as this would never end, to celebrate 16,000 endorsements, I decided to just do nothing.

In all seriousness though, it’s good to know people are discovering the mod for the first time, especially now that a lot of the early hiccups have been cleaned up. As for what having 15K+ endorsements means, who knows. There are plenty of popular things in life that are godawful. On the other hand, if people enjoy it, does it matter? It’s best not to take life so seriously, friend.

In other news:

    • I’ve been thinking about starting a podcast to help fill out the weekly content here. I want to try and bring on guests and things schedule permitting, but to start it’ll just be general video game shit until we get our footing. Hosts may rotate as well since it’s really hard to get the stars and schedules aligned. We’d probably need some cheesy intro music, and a catchy name. 3DNPodC? Too wordy. The iNPC podcast? Too Apple. I don’t have the lawyers to keep it.
    • Pelzknaeul asked me if there were any rules for the forums as far as who can get banned, canned, or body-slammed. There really is just one. Don’t be a dick. And for the most part, everyone has abided by that rule. The forums are pretty comfy.
    • Someone mentioned there was no RSS feed or subscription thingy on the new site. I tried adding an option via the WordPress Jetpack plugin, but it just added a “Notify me by e-mail of any new posts” at the bottom. Not sure if that’s the same thing. If anyone knows what plug-in I should be using, let me know.

Lastly, in addition to 16K endorsements, we’ve also surpassed 2,000,000 views for the blog recently, which is pretty amazing seeing as there’s like 12 of us here. Of course, most people are anonymous folks who come for the wiki, which Sheryl and Inara continue to work on. It’s really the backbone of this site, and without everyone’s help we’d have a bad case of scoliosis, so thanks.

Fan Patches


“Whenever you use this bow I will be there,” the Zen archery master tells his students. And he means there quite literally. He lives in his students and thus achieves a measure of immortality. And the immortality of a writer is to be taken literally. Whenever anyone reads his words the writer is there. He lives in his readers.

So every time someone neatly guts his opponent with my spring knife or slices off two heads with one swipe of my spring sword I am there to drink the blood and smell the fresh entrails as they slop out with a divine squishy sound. I am there when the case bullet thuds home-right in the stomach … what a lovely grunt! And my saga will shine in the eyes of adolescents squinting through gunsmoke.

— William S. Burroughs, The Place of Dead Roads

I love this passage, but I sure as fuck don’t agree with it. Death is death, my friend. I’m sure Burroughs himself would trade all his written immortality for another hundred years of drug-addled bliss. All the wealth, fame, and fortune doesn’t mean a thing if you’re too dead to enjoy it.

This is why it’s important that I live forever. It’s going to take at least that long to finish this mod. Failing that, there needs to be a backup plan. Because even if the words on the page are immortal, even if the graphics and gameplay are revived like so many Draugr, that empty space, the unfinished business will leave a stink as foul as any wet corpse.

This is why I’ve been encouraging the community to make their requests and ideas happen. It’s a great way to give the characters in the mod new life beyond my limited existence. A costumed hero, for instance, does not live on in readers of a 80-year old comic book. He lives on in the works of modern screenwriters, artists, and re-imaginings of his tale.

With that in mind, nonoodles has finished making a beta version of Mazekial’s patch, which you can download by going to the fan patches page via this link or the optional patches area in the sidebar. Hopefully this will be the first of many patches that either complement the mod or create entirely new NPCs, quests, and experiences for you the player.