Twitter Sidebar


I’ve decided to add a little twitter sidebar under the forum posts, basically adding every actor I can think of who worked on the mod, as well as some popular streamers and modders. I figure it’s a quick and easy way to keep up with what everyone’s doing. If I forgot anyone, go ahead and tell me your twitter handle in the comments.

Some actors are more prolific twitterers than others, and I don’t know what kind of content is going to come through the box, so if there’s something NSFW let me know and I’ll immediately launch an investigation.


Fallout 3 Mods: Room 404 – Casey Clarkson

Here’s a Room 404 teaser featuring the radio voice of Casey Clarkson, Top 40 DJ. Voiced by the inimitable Elko, you can start the quest by accessing one of the new locations on your Pip-Boy. It features a cast of eight including some familiar names as well as newcomers in Loes Van Honk, Phoenix Emrys, and Tuong Klein. There’s also some bonus interactions once the quest is complete as well, but it’s a little buried so I’ve listed them in the wiki.

New Site Layout

All right, I finally found a theme that I like. I still might change the colors to be more Fallout-y, these are just the default hues. Still, you can’t go wrong with blue. It’s the color of the ocean, the sky, and jeans. Also Mirelurks.

The one part I haven’t been able to figure out is how to get the LEAVE A COMMENT link at the top of the post, I’m assuming I just have to add a bit of code somewhere, but since Google isn’t much help I’ll probably ask the theme creators for help. For now you can just click on the post title and leave a comment that way. I suppose it’s not much different than how that normally works, just a little less intuitive.

EDIT: Yeeeees! Got that shit done. Basically just copied the code from the previous theme and changed the theme name.

if ( ! post_password_required() && ( comments_open() || get_comments_number() ) ) :
<span class=”comments-link”><?php comments_popup_link( __( ‘Leave a comment’, ‘areview’ ), __( ‘1 Comment’, ‘areview’ ), __( ‘% Comments’, ‘areview’ ) ); ?></span>

edit_post_link( __( ‘Edit’, ‘areview’ ), ‘<span class=”edit-link”>’, ‘</span>’ );

Anyways, you can find pretty much everything on the header bar. Downloads, forums, wiki, scripts, and screenshots. The sidebar will have extra goodies related to the site, as well as recent forum replies. The theme also has a carousel you can place under the header, but I’m not entirely sure how to make it function properly. In any case, let me know if you have any suggestions or have any feedback that would help make browsing the site easier.