Notes, Stuff and Chart Porn

2014-01-31_00007It’s no secret that when it comes to faces, I have no interest in making a world of Kens and Barbies. It’s not that I have anything against beautiful people – some of my best friends are beautiful. Part of it is a reaction to the entertainment industry in general, where every character is witty and charming and fun and gorgeous, but mostly it’s born out of a fear of my own unconscious – that my natural preferences will leak into the mod.

As I mentioned previously, this is why when I mess with the sliders, I pay little attention to what comes out on the other side. Well, not this time. My newest Frankenstinian creation, Ylgynewas crafted to be the bachelor of your dreams, complete with rock hard abs, a charming smile, and of course, questionable intelligence. All right, maybe the last part isn’t necessarily dreamy, but I can’t help myself. I prefer my characters flawed.

• Maligree is on fire. She just finished the quest page for Stolen Property, probably the hardest page to do other than Blood of Kings. This is like watching Frank Lloyd Wright in his prime, if he was building quest pages instead of architectural wonders. Although let’s face it, what Maligree is doing is much harder. I mean Fallingwater? Bitch please. Gravity does half the work.

• Quest Progress (In Percentage)






Oddly enough, Azzarian’s Gold is the newest of the four quests, and is already set for a Monday release. That’s the way it works sometimes. Immortal Coil is probably the most consequential of the four, while Azzarian’s Gold is probably the most creative. Thankfully, the major roles have been cast for pretty much all of these quests, so it should be only a matter of time. Just how much is up to the actors in question. Nevertheless, I’m fairly stoked about this next batch of quests, and along with the release of Black Robes, v3.05 is setting out to be a rather hefty update.

Notes and Stuff


Here’s some news, notes, and other things I want to mention while I have the chance:

Maligree is the latest wiki editor to join the ranks, but unlike all the previous folks I’ve brought on, she’s managed to finish a quest page, which you can view here. In contrast to the lazily written pages I put together, she’s added detailed summaries, nice screenies, and even filled out the tables. To put it in perspective, not even the legendary Blauwvis, who did maybe fifty or so character pages, dared try her hand at this overwhelmingly exhaustive task.

In short, Maligree is a true hero of our times and anyone who says otherwise is dead to me.

The second thing I want to address is the ongoing overhaul of old NPCs. Often times, when I approach actors about refurbishing their lines, they aren’t having it, and I completely understand why. Given how expansive the dialogue is, it can be a lot of extra work for little to no gratitude. That’s why I’m thankful to those who are willing to do it. Lila Paws has not only be working hard on Anum-La, but also found time to re-take Morviah. The difference I think is staggering, and should really help this NPC shine. Take a listen to Morviah before and after:

Lastly, I want to once again thank those who have donated their hard earned money as well as those who have removed AdBlock to help support the mod. After all, I like money. It is a relationship I think is going places. But in all seriousness, the extra bit of scratch does help pay for upkeep as well as better resources for actors, composers, and the like. I think outside of that bathtub vodka experiment, for the most part I’ve spent the money in ways that will improve the overall experience for you.

Notes and Stuff

2014-01-11_00010Here are some thoughts while I chomp on this burrito and Vex teaches me about the nuances of infiltration:

README – The new quests and the big update slowed things down with the wiki, but the NPC portion is still caught up, as it includes even unreleased folks like Cassius and Geel-Jah. I feel like if I force myself to make the wiki pages as I make the NPCs, I should be fine. The quest pages though, they can take all day to complete, and I’m sure you’d prefer I focus on new content.

DONATIONS – I saw a donate button on Kayla Marquez’s Tumblr, and I immediately thought to myself, why don’t I have one of those? Do I hate money? Anyone who knows me would probably say yes. In any case, as long as you remove AdBlock, I think the advertising revenue will be enough to sustain the blog and my lavish yachting lifestyle. For that reason, donations are not necessary, but if you are so inclined, I will hold you in high esteem.

UPDATES – I still feel like the weekly update is the way to go, so we’re still on track to drop 3.04.1 on Monday. If you’ve noticed the casting call section, I’ve filled the part of Duraz, and the best part is the voice is even better than the last one. I just hope we can make it to the finish line. She’s also going to be marriable, which I feel like should be a word. Anyhow, the voice, yes the voice is pretty amazing. It makes me happy. It has just the right amount of gravel without sounding raspy or whispered. Take a listen:


OTHER PROJECTS – I’ve batted around a few ideas for the Evermoor Island mod that has been made available as a resource, and even wrote up a few characters to open with. It would all take place outside of the Elder Scrolls universe, as tying yourself to that world would basically limit the stories you could tell. The biggest deterrent would probably be the fact that the navmeshes aren’t done.

It’s a pretty stupid thing to quibble about given the dude made an entire island, but on the other hand, adding the navmeshes is probably the most tedious thing you could ever spend your day on. Even with clutter you’re still sort of decorating. But it’s just incredibly hard to motivate yourself to connect a bunch of triangles together. The villages and towns are one thing, but the open world is another. Maybe I’ll start with one small area and see if I can maintain my sanity.