Here is Valgus looking somber, despite the fact that he is sporting some new fits and a cleaner haircut. A haircut which is actually the one Viridiane suggested I give him back when the idea of Valgus was still in its fetal stages.
Given my liberal use of facial sliders on many of the male NPCs, she’d hinted that perhaps it was time to make some more attractive followers. So I said “Fine, I am going to make you a super sexy man steak,” and Valgus is what I came up with.
When I first showed him to her, she thought the unkempt hair and threadbare robes was a little too “villager,” which of course is why I kept it. Thing is, after developing his character and backstory, it turned out our sexy man was actually a man of the people. Besides, tying the hair back looked way too Geralt of Rivia for my liking.
Of course, that’s what mods are for, to change things to your liking. That’s how you get wonderful screenshots like this, with Valgus of Cyrodiil the way the combs intended.