Zora Fair-Child by Corpsehatch

Zora Fair-Child

Here is a screenshot of Zora courtesy of Corpsehatch. Which, by the way, would be a really scary way for the zombie apocalypse to happen. Corpses hatching out of eggs would be 1000x more terrifying than crawling out of coffins. Especially with all the egg white goo.

Anyways, this screenshot is the opposite of that. It’s calm, relaxing, and stoic. So it’s best not to judge a photographer by the username.

Order of the Rose by Numeriku



Adrian: You are looking rather radiant today, milady~

Nariya: (Sigh)… You’re such a sap.

May I introduce you to Nariya and Adrian. Knights from the Order of the Rose~

Aw snap new NPCs for what I assume is Numeriku‘s Erevan expansion patch. It makes me giddy as a schoolgirl to see things that are both Interesting NPCs related and completely new to me. Is this what it’s like to watch a new teaser trailer? I like this feeling. It should happen more often.