Wander-Lust by Nervation



then this happened. i saw someone else go off the edge of the dock so i went over to see who it is and it’s an argonian that i assume is part of interesting npcs so i talk to her and we float along and go under water, under boats, under ice, talking the whole time about her son and stuff. we floated/talked for a while after i took the last screenshot haha

luckily both argonians so no one drowned during the conversation

Valgus by Midgard9


Valgus is a very notable and quotable follower. “We do not heed sage advice,” he claims, “but rather, we allow our mistakes to confirm its wisdom.”

While Valgus is undoubtedly referring to himself in this instance – as well as young people in general – he could very easily be talking about the advice he gives Rumarin. You know, the part about studying hard and honing one’s skills through strict discipline and tireless effort. Instead of say, asking your friend to shoot you in the nipple.

Skjarn by Corpsehatch


Look at your man. Now look at me. Now look at the ceiling because you’ve fainted from the very sight of my handsomeness. Now you’re waking up. You could look at me again, but do you risk fainting once more? Of course you do. You can’t help yourself. You faint again, realizing this is how you will die, in an endless cycle of swooning. I am not a murderer. But you couldn’t tell by looking at me.