Here’s a contribution from Kaia Linden of Rumarin looking like a badass wearing the Breton Knight Armor Mod. How many knives is that, six? Damn. Knowing Rumarin though he probably just uses them to slice his bread.
I believe you can find more of Kaia’s adventures here, unless this Tumblr was made by an impersonator.
Here is a screenshot by Dusklightdew of Raynes looking pouty. Like someone stole his sweetroll, the one covered in the blood of a filthy lawbreaker. See, he shoved it down a bandit’s throat so hard it popped his larynx and well….you don’t need the details. Let’s just say since the bandit couldn’t talk and serve as a witness, Raynes taught him sign language.
Anyway, teaching that bandit to speak without a throat was very touching and made Raynes feel a little sentimental about that sweetroll. It was his favorite, the kind of thing you cuddle with, and now someone stole it and he’s pouty. Real fucking pouty. Methinks that someone’s gonna get hurt.
While Hjoromir looks handsome here, if you look down you’ll see he has one foot in dog doodoo and the other in a bucket.
This screenshot is very sparkly. I assume there are mods at work here – shiny, sparkly, twinkle little starry mods – that make him gleam like the protagonist in the Nordic version of Twilight. Still, Mym’s screenshot does make Hjoromir look his age, so in that sense I kind of like it, although there needs to be more derp sprinkled in.