Hope Lies v0.01

Interesting NPCs v3.08 will release next Monday, but for this week, we’re going to release something different.  It’s another Fallout 4 demo NPC, ready for use in New Vegas.


Hope Lies is a character inspired by an email name. She’s also the mirror opposite of my yet unreleased Dragonborn character. Jessica Osborne did the voicing and did a wonderful job changing gears from her usual fare, and nonoodles handled the GECK stuff so I didn’t have to.

She can be found by the campfires at Goodsprings Source.


Trailers and Teasers – Ariele

Here is a new NPC voiced by Lucy Starita, who will be the quest giver in a new adventure that will be released some time in the next few weeks.

Edit: Okay, this is better. Tried to make Ariele a little different than some of the other female quest givers, the earlier video had some features – clothes, face, etcetera – that I thought set the wrong mood or were too similar to other NPCs. Regardless the point is Lucy’s great.