Skjarn by 324b21


It’s fair to say some people hate Skjarn. Okay, most people hate Skjarn. In fact, someone once told me he and a friend started calling their roommate Skjarn as an inside joke, probably because he was a narcissistic douche. Funny thing is, Skjarn was once a roommate of mine too, only I thought he was fucking hilarious.

Alas, that’s a story for another day. Presently we have a fantastic watercolor by 324b21. It has Skjarn doing a hero pose, no doubt stealing a glance at a buxom wench, fully confident the uglies will be bumped later tonight. That is, if Skjarn classified any part of his anatomy as “ugly.” Spoiler alert, he doesn’t.

Valgus by 324b21, LadyGray and Numeriku


Here’s an interesting juxtaposition of Valguses. Valgii? The first, by 324b21, is the younger version, the soldier who fought in the Great War and didn’t know a lick of magic. Wide of eye and full of heart, he’s a bit naive. Simple, even.


In this comic by LadyGray, we have the Valgus you meet in game. Tired eyes and disheveled hair. War-weary.  Able to heal anyone and everyone save himself. So this is him, letting go and embracing his future, literally. Love is like an anime. It’s ridiculous and cheesy and nonsensical but in the end, kind of fun.


And lastly, this one by Numeriku reminds me of an older, wiser Valgus, meditating and doing old people shit. In the game Valgus is probably in his early fifties and deeply depressed, so I think this sketch is probably about a decade after. He seems happier here, almost like a Buddha. Hanging out with the Dragonborn tends to do that.