Fan Art – Isobel’s Date by 324b21


I wish it was possible to set a backstory with an NPC and the Dragonborn through dialogue options. pretty much like in Knights of the Old Republic 2 (If anyone’s familiar with the game, you can set the first game’s protagonist’s fate).

I always pretend that my PC was BFFs with Fjona since they’re both from the Companions, and werewolves. But that could just be wishful thinking. :D


This is how my PC’s first date with Isobel went. Sorry for the eye rape lettering. I expected it to look bigger when posted.


“And now she’s being sarcastic..T_T”

Fan Art – Rumarin by 324b21


Hooray for more art! This is something 324b21 made in graphic design class. It could be for a T-shirt, or as Mouse points out, perhaps even a coffee mug. Personally I think it would go great as a tattoo on your butt, or perhaps a birthday cake (with or without strippers), or on Rumarin-themed bedsheets.

Horrible ideas like these are why I never make any money on merchandising. That, and well, technically I think Bethesda owns the rights to everything I make with their Creation Kit. However, what if I created Rumarin and friends on a napkin before I ever added them to Skyrim? Doesn’t that mean I own the rights? And if I give my consent – which I do wholeheartedly  – 324b21 can print said merchandise?

Someone call my lawyer. But not until I get one, otherwise there’ll be no one on the other end.

Fan Art – XY Meresine by 324b21


Holy shit. I’m not gay, but I am gay for Man Meresine. That is one sexy dude. A master of chromosomes, 324b21 has been known to dabble in gender bending before, but he/she’s really outdone him/herself this time. It’s spectacular.

Of course, if Meresine were a man, he couldn’t be voiced by the fabulous Elisabeth Hunter, and that would suck. On the other hand, this gives me an excuse to post more Elisabeth Hunter stuff, which is always fun because she’s the closest thing to a celebrity I know. Here she is in a commercial for Welch’s Fruit Snacks.

These foolish children think their TV mom is a mundane snack thief. They have no idea she’s actually a badass Dark Elf archer in her spare time.