Fan Art – Amalee by Numeriku


Here is some more art from Numeriku. It’s Amalee on a bright pink background. Pink would probably be her favorite color if weren’t so rare in nature. Greens and blues are probably more common, but I’m sure pink would appeal to her feminine side.

After all, it’s the one color that women can almost call their own. Not out of any malice mind you, but because men – myself included -refuse to use it for some reason, due to some inexplicable fear that the color will suck away our manliness.

Fan Art – Amalee and Zora by Rusavia


Here’s some more art courtesy of Rusavia over on the Tumblrs. If you like her blog, follow her. Not in that creepy stalker way, but in that loyal companion way, exactly 384 units behind while ocassionally blocking the exit.

Anyway, I like the way Amalee‘s sketch has tiny freckles of color, in her amulet and in her eyes. In fact, I like to imagine the amulet works like a mood ring. It turns green when there’s a beautiful landscape to witness, red when there’s danger, and yellow when it’s time to hit the gas and speed through the intersection.


Zora, looking cozy. You can also see the diamond and opal colored eyes here, it makes you want to pluck them out and where it as a ring. But that would be creepy and gross so don’t do that.

This piece of art doesn’t have that vibe at all, it’s just comfy, like a warm fire in a winter cabin.

Warrior’s Life (Harp Version) by Anna Castiglioni

Here’s a harp cover of Giramor’s Warrior’s Life song, composed and performed by Anna Castiglioni. I decided to remove the requirement that Amalee listen to a previous version of the song before she learns it, because there are just way too many bards and seriously eff that.

You do still have to finish her quest. I also noticed while testing this that one of her hellos – the nirnroot one – was set to repeat 24/7, so I’m switching it to “SayOnce.” Anna’s also pretty good with recording, so I decided to give Amalee a dozen more hellos to be added sometime in the future. If you notice any other lines from other NPCs that need the “SayOnce” treatment, let me know.