Music – A Warrior’s Life (Mandola Version) by Anna Castiglioni


Here’s Anna Castiglioni performing a mandola version of A Warrior’s Life.  Mandolas, also known in Mando’a as the Mando’ade, or “Children of Mandalore”—were a nomadic group of clan-based people bound by a common culture. Boba Fett, for instance, is a Mando…

Never mind, apparently it’s a musical instrument of some kind. That makes a lot more sense.

Episode 1: Interesting NPCs

It’s Wednesday which means it’s time for another podcast, or Modcast, as it were. That is what the French call a portmanteau baby, and as far as they go, there is no way anyone has ever thought of this one before. Nope, Modcast is a completely original name, no need to Google it, trust me on this one, seriously.

While there are tons of shows dedicated to mods, most of them are reviews as opposed to interviews and discussion, which is what we’re shooting for with Modcast. Of course, convincing notoriously shy modders into going public may be difficult, but hopefully the fact that our subscriber base is puny will help matters. Unfortunately, it did not help this month, which is why your hosts – Christian Gaughf and Anna Castiglioni – chose me as their first guest.


In this episode, the three of us talk about Interesting NPCs, mods we don’t have time to play, and why control over all the schlong sizes in Skyrim is too much power for one modder to have. Hope you enjoy.

Warrior’s Life (Harp Version) by Anna Castiglioni

Here’s a harp cover of Giramor’s Warrior’s Life song, composed and performed by Anna Castiglioni. I decided to remove the requirement that Amalee listen to a previous version of the song before she learns it, because there are just way too many bards and seriously eff that.

You do still have to finish her quest. I also noticed while testing this that one of her hellos – the nirnroot one – was set to repeat 24/7, so I’m switching it to “SayOnce.” Anna’s also pretty good with recording, so I decided to give Amalee a dozen more hellos to be added sometime in the future. If you notice any other lines from other NPCs that need the “SayOnce” treatment, let me know.