The Sleeping Mutant by 324b21


There’s some great Fan Art in the forums which we’ll highlight next week, but I first want to make mention of 324b21‘s FNV crossover comic, based on The Sleeping Giant quest. It’s pretty cool, and it’s pretty sweet. It’s like ice cream for the soul.


Nevertheless, our intrepid artist needs your assistance to help complete this project:

I hope my grammar didn’t give you cancer, I still need some improvement on that department. I’m not working full time on this and honestly, I sorta need some help on it, and since there are a lot of great artists here, it would be nice to lend some hand. I’m not demanding or anything, if its alright. A collaboration would be a great idea. ;)

Well, I can draw stick figures, and stick figures with boobs, but not much else. If anyone wants to help, you can send 324b21 a PM or make a comment on the Fan Art thread.

Fan Art – Erevan, Talie, Anum-La, and Qa’Dojo by Numeriku


Woohoo it’s Fan Art Friday or FAF as the people in the hood call it. Seriously. Go down to the hood and they’ll tell you all abouts da FAF. It is a worldwide phenomenon, and this week we are displaying the wonderful work of our resident screenshot champion, Numeriku.

The first set of pictures features Erevan and Numeriku’s PC Talie. She’s giving him the tough love and support he needs. She’s the fiery torch dragging, er, guiding his way through the dark.



Oh man, that picture in the corner. All the feels.qa_dojo_doodle_by_yee-d7sj36a

Here is a doodle of Qa’Dojo, looking rather serene. What the picture doesn’t show is that he’s riding a unicycle on a high wire. In life, balance is key.anum_la_doodle_by_yee-d7sj2kz

One of the complaints handegg players have is their lack of marketability. They wear helmets that cover up half their face, so it’s hard to identify your favorite players when they start rampaging in public. Anum-La, thankfully, doesn’t suffer from that problem. Even without her hood, you know her right away.


Here is a little dinner party Zora is having with a potato and a wedge of cheese. I imagine she’d give them both names, then find it excruciatingly hard to eat them for that reason. Of course, this would eventually lead to rotting, at which point she’d bury them in the backyard but not after having a short ceremony commemorating their life.

Au revoir, Cheesy-kins. Safe travels, Senor Mash. We hardly knew ye.