Fan Art – Sleeping Giant by 324B21


Here’s some fan art 324b21 posted over on the forums. I believe that’s Rumarin and Anum-La, with the Dragonborn being the Orc. Not sure who the bard is in the back, although watching him cradle his lute is hilarious (as others have pointed out, it turns out it’s Fjona, and this is the Sleeping Giant quest – I think I’m turning senile).

Actually this really happened in game, I did the quest with my low level, master difficulty character (when I play I prefer not to change the difficulty for immersion) and then just as we triggered the giant, everybody started running away. I think it’s due to a glitch or something (I still kinda blame Rumarin tho, lol), but it was funny as hell.

That, Rumarin would say, is just the body taking over. It’s not like he wanted to disobey you, really. Although if our bodies do have a mind of their own,  leave it to Rumarin’s to be the practical one.

Fan Art – Rumarin, Amalee, Anum-La and Zora by Moki


Okay, that’s enough administrative nonsense for one lifetime. It’s time to christen this new website with some fan art. Found this splash of goodness on Tumblr, courtesy of Moki.

Drew my Half elf (YgNord) in Skyrim, and a few of my favorite NPCs from 3DNPC ahhhh ; Q; I tried really hard on Anum-La but she came out reaally poopie OTL I’m so sorry.

There’s nothing to be sorry about really. I love these alternative art styles, it’s like I’m really playing Final Fantasy Tactics, lining Anum-La and Zora on adjacent tiles and keeping Rumarin and Amalee as support. That horde of pesky goblins doesn’t stand a chance.


Zora’s so cute ahhhhh I only met her by chance when travelling around Riverwood that I wandered into Brittleshin Pass, she scared me when I walked near the cage since I had RLO and could not see well in caves.

If only I could see the world the way Moki draws it, life would be a much softer and more comfy place.