Duraz by Penoffen
Duraz needs some more love than she gets, that precious, naive, tsundere orsimer… As soon as I met her, I decided two things: 1) my Redguard was going to marry her and 2)I needed to make fan art.
Dem muscles.
NSFW version here.
Duraz needs some more love than she gets, that precious, naive, tsundere orsimer… As soon as I met her, I decided two things: 1) my Redguard was going to marry her and 2)I needed to make fan art.
Dem muscles.
NSFW version here.
These chibis are fun to do. Here’s an Amalee! I bet plants photosynthesize around her because she’s such a FREAKING SHINY SUNSHINE BALL OF HAPPINESS GODANGIT