Spiked Tea by Numeriku


Woohoo it’s Saturday night, and this tavern art from Numeriku just about made it. The night, that is. I haven’t been able to add much content as of late, but it makes me smile knowing there are adventures being written every time someone loads up their game. So ask the bard for another a song and the wench another beer. The night is still a maiden yet.

Callen by Eternal Goofery


i am dead tired but decided to draw my breton witchhunter who i forget what i named and then callen from interesting npcs because she is a treasure

so uh sorry for the half-assedness i suppose

It’s nice that I can step away for a few days and have a ton of new art to come back to. It’s great seeing all your old friends make new ones, and it happens every time someone starts a New Game of modded Skyrim.

This sketch of Callen comes courtesy of Eternal Goofery(via Auriel’s Beau) and it’s amazing. No apologies necessary. Be sure to check out her Tumblr below for more adventures and shenanigans.

Rumarin and Dragonborn by Olivia Malone


The Rumarin and Olivia adventures continue and I couldn’t be happier. According to Olivia, Rumarin is really lame. He is in fact the mayor of Lameville. But the funny thing is, Lameville’s capital is actually an enclave of COOLTOWN USA, just like how parts of India are inside Bangladesh. So actually, Rumarin is kind of cool, despite the fact that he is miles from it.  Anyhow, enough babbling. Enjoy.
