Fan Art – Amalee by Numeriku


Here is some more art from Numeriku. It’s Amalee on a bright pink background. Pink would probably be her favorite color if weren’t so rare in nature. Greens and blues are probably more common, but I’m sure pink would appeal to her feminine side.

After all, it’s the one color that women can almost call their own. Not out of any malice mind you, but because men – myself included -refuse to use it for some reason, due to some inexplicable fear that the color will suck away our manliness.

Fan Art – Duraz by 324b21


Here is some fan art of Duraz by 324b21, looking fabulous in her red carpet dress. Naturally, you want to accessorize your evening wear with some bracelets and perhaps a sword of some kind, regardless of whether it fits in your purse.

Really though, Duraz does seem like the type to experiment with dresses and such and be totally tsundere about the whole thing. That’s why she’s looking at you askance, to see if you’re judging or admiring. Choose wisely.

Fan Art – Ylgyne by Mouse


Man, real life has been getting in the way of my desire to be a total slacker, but yay finally finished some fan art of Ylgyne as he appears in my game!

Things between Avishi and Daenlyn have been going well, a little TOO well — Seriously, they go at it like hares in First Seed. Her skills have somehow dulled drastically because of it. She’s still quick on her feet, but her shield arm has become pitifully weak. Daenlyn noticed quickly, throwing himself wildly into combat to protect her often. She couldn’t have that, it was a quick way to get him killed and he’s still got parts she likes!

So Avishi listed off potential fearless shield walls in her head: Skjarn? No way. He and Daenlyn would be at each others smug throats within days. Erevan? Too goodie-goodie. He’d be a rain cloud on their sexy parade. Then she remembered that Nord she met in Fort Hraggstad. He didn’t have much to say, but he was friendly, and polite, and bored out of his mind guarding the place. So they went to invite Ylgyne on their adventures and the three of them have been inseparable ever since.

Ylgyne perfectly balances out Avishi’s audacious derring-do and Daenlyn’s rascally undertones with his stoic resolve. A man of few words and a simple mind indeed, but that doesn’t mean he’s stupid, displaying a strong sense of forbearance and courtesy in their most basic forms. He isn’t xenophobic like most of his fellow Nords; wanting to share the best of his homeland while protecting you from its worst. With gusto.

Ylgyne is also a curious one, which brings a bit of joy to Avishi’s heart. She feels honored that he trusts her enough to confide in. She had seen the treatment of his fellow Nords who were slow on the uptake in the Companions and developed a dislike for it immediately. If he has a question she answers it to the best of her ability, usually with a smile.

A little side note: Ylgyne is the tallest Nordic man Avishi has ever laid eyes on. She absolutely adores Daenlyn without any doubt, however she’s as hotblooded as the next woman and can’t deny she finds him physically attractive. She’s caught herself ogling him on occasion, much to her embarrassment. I dunno if it’s the armor he’s wearing (Wanderer Cuirass by Frank and Cabal) that makes him so tall, or if it’s just how the Gods built him, but if she were single she’d be scaling that uncharted Skyrim mountain in a heart beat. Rrrowr! <3