Fallout 3 Mods: Quantum Gravity – Scribe Jones and Knight Casilla

Some bonus scenes for the Quantum Gravity mod. Scenes in Fallout are triggered by proximity. Random NPCs will target another, say hello and goodbye, and then go on their separate ways. They didn’t happen enough for my liking, however, so I also put in some trigger boxes in the cell that will force them to start. In case you miss them, here are a few, with Ash Eluned as Scribe Hammond, J.T. Decker as Scribe Jones, and Jessica Osborne as Knight Casilla.

Non-Player Characters: Episode 2

Wednesday’s arrived and with it a second turn for J.T. Decker and Matthew Dixon. They go over the new Kickstarter game Divinity: Original Sin and a host of other topics.


On a news note, the rotation of these podcasts might change a bit in the coming weeks as I figure out the tone of the shows and the chemistry between the hosts, and how to balance that from week to week. Also, feedback on any of the podcasts is muy apreciado.