Super Saiyan Jerulith by Numeriku

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Talie: (nervous laughter)

(picks up Ru and throws him in Jerulith’s direction)

(runs away, arms flailing)


Jerulith must really hate brown hats, because I’ve never seen an npc use a master spell before… *gulp*

Here’s a fun fact. While Florentus is voiced by the talented Trent Martin, the death knell, or sissy yelp if you want to call it, was done by yours truly. Originally it was just audio confirmation that the script that killed him (in the event Jerulith somehow missed) was firing, back when Florentus didn’t have an actor. In the end though I decided to just keep it in.

And so here it is in all its glory, my one and only voice acting contribution to the mod. If you like my work, I’m available for any other roles that require a screaming extra, like say, random man trampled by horses #3 or boy who falls into a well. Aaaaaggggh!

Fan Art – Jerulith by 324b21


A product of procrastination. I love Jerulith. This woman has spunk.

Woohoo, this stuff never gets old. It will never, ever be at the age where it is playing lawn politics with the neighborhood children, or mis-remembering the amount of snow, incline, and distance to their local school.

It will not be asking you to turn that blasted music down, or complain about its trick back or male pattern baldness. Old, your artistic contributions will not get.

So with that said, here’s another great piece from 324b21, the hardest working artist in show business. And it’s of Jerulith, which is both timely and brand spanking new.