Fallout 3 Mods: Quantum Gravity – Scribe Jones and Knight Casilla

Some bonus scenes for the Quantum Gravity mod. Scenes in Fallout are triggered by proximity. Random NPCs will target another, say hello and goodbye, and then go on their separate ways. They didn’t happen enough for my liking, however, so I also put in some trigger boxes in the cell that will force them to start. In case you miss them, here are a few, with Ash Eluned as Scribe Hammond, J.T. Decker as Scribe Jones, and Jessica Osborne as Knight Casilla.

Fan Art – Duraz by 324b21


Here is some fan art of Duraz by 324b21, looking fabulous in her red carpet dress. Naturally, you want to accessorize your evening wear with some bracelets and perhaps a sword of some kind, regardless of whether it fits in your purse.

Really though, Duraz does seem like the type to experiment with dresses and such and be totally tsundere about the whole thing. That’s why she’s looking at you askance, to see if you’re judging or admiring. Choose wisely.

Open NAT – Episode 2: Mutually Exclusive

It’s Wednesday, which means your weather report includes a 100% chance of podcast. This week we have the return of Open NAT. Will Handford (Skjel) and newcomer Lucy Starita (Ariele) talk about exclusives and news from Gamescom.


Given Open NAT is about controversial topics, this week also provides a supplemental episode as well, where myself, Jessica Osborne, and Will try to walk through a minefield while playing Russian Roulette in the middle of a lightning storm. I’m kind of half hoping you ignore it altogether.