Episode 3 – Oregon Trail

So I think I am feeling better now. Well, at least better enough to type blog posts and record podcasts. The whole going outside thing is another thing entirely, but that is because I am hideous.


Anyhow, thanks for all the get well sentiments. They and a shitload of fluids helped for a rather speedy recovery. And as it turns out, since Alice and I reviewed Oregon Trail this month, it was almost like an extra bit of immersion, like I really had the dysentery. Method gaming, I like to call it. Copyright 3DNPC.com 2014 All rights reserved.

See? I can still make stupid jokes. Hopefully the actual show was somewhat coherent.

Episode 1 – In Soviet Russia, Arstotska Glories You

I think I want to release a podcast every Wednesday to at least to give this blog a semblance of a schedule. Then again, it will depend on whether there’s enough content, but we got a lot of shows in the works so it shouldn’t be too difficult, including a news podcast with Will Handford (Skjel, Korrilan) and Ronja Monto.

In this episode, it is just me and Alice Bell talking about…we’ll say history? However, it does go off on tangents like GoT and Alice distaste of ocean loving adolescents. In fact, the only Beach she wants to see these Boys on is a deserted island. And for that matter, why they are called boys? They are clearly full grown beach men. If they lie about their age, who knows what else they’re hiding. We cannot be sure if they’ve even seen a beach.  By the way, these are all the stupid jokes that came to me hours after we recorded.

Anyways, this podcast is a show about history or something, I do not know. In this episode we review the pseudo-Soviet Russia border game, Papers Please. Next month we will probably cover something like Valiant Hearts or some other non-fiction game like Quantum of Solace.

Edit: Click for the downloadable version here
