Open NAT – Episode 1: Just a Small Town Girl

It’s Wednesday, which means a new podcast for the three or fourĀ of you who enjoy them. This is the first episode of Open News and Talk, or Open NAT, hosted by Will Handford and Ronja Monto.

This show will tackle on news and controversial topics in video games, but the hope is to do it in a way that will be funny and entertaining even if you disagree with the things being said. Given Ronja’s passion for social issues and Will’s offbeat humor, pairing them was an easy choice.

In short, I think they’re both awesome, and awesome together.

For listeners on the go, here’s the downloadable track:


Now if I can just figure out why Youtube is being a dick right now. I just want to change the thumbnail, damnit.

News, Notes, and NNNNNNPCs


Viridiane, the voice of Zora Fair-Child, is working on a patch for a new set of followers (Virtut and Chaine) complete with personal quest and marriage options. You can check the progress of all user scripts and collaborations here. Also, it looks like the Skjel marriage patch has been greenlighted.

Elegant Artist and Ronja Monto are working on their own NPCs, but they’ve decided to learn the CK to do it. This is probably the best way to go about, because no one will be as passionate about your project as you. However, if the learning curve is steep or if you just don’t have the time (re: lazy like me), then having the community here make your NPCs a reality is another way to go about it.

Finished patches can be found by clicking the Fan Patches link in the sidebar.

Lastly, here’s the first episode of Strings Attached, a music based podcast hosted by Anna Castiglioni (Amalee, Morndas) and Ronja Monto (Alassea, Mithril).

It’s much more chill than the previous show, something comfy to listen to as you go about your day. Hopefully it will give you a little more insight into the whole composition process.

Edit: Forgot the download link again, you can get it here.