Episode 3 – Oregon Trail

So I think I am feeling better now. Well, at least better enough to type blog posts and record podcasts. The whole going outside thing is another thing entirely, but that is because I am hideous.


Anyhow, thanks for all the get well sentiments. They and a shitload of fluids helped for a rather speedy recovery. And as it turns out, since Alice and I reviewed Oregon Trail this month, it was almost like an extra bit of immersion, like I really had the dysentery. Method gaming, I like to call it. Copyright 3DNPC.com 2014 All rights reserved.

See? I can still make stupid jokes. Hopefully the actual show was somewhat coherent.

Non-Player Characters – Episode 3: SO HYPE FOR ROMANCE!!

It’s Wednesday, which means a podcast. They say you can pretty much set your watch to it. I don’t know what that means.

Unfortunately, J.T. Decker has left the show due to life getting in the way, but Lindsey Lloyd (Marla, Y’tharil) has graciously taken his place. I think you’ll be pleased to find Lindsey is Lloyd, Lindsey is life. Full of life. It’s 3AM so I don’t know if I’m making sense. Good night.

Episode 2: Shrike

It’s Wednesday, which means a new podcast episode, huzzah. Well, Wednesday in my time zone at least. Editing took a little longer than usual due to some technical snags, but fortunately the universe revolves around America, so…uh…USA, USA, USA!!!


This week Christian and Anna interview Shrike, one of the key contributors to Anna NPCs as well as a couple of his own mods.