Open NAT – Episode 2: Mutually Exclusive

It’s Wednesday, which means your weather report includes a 100% chance of podcast. This week we have the return of Open NAT. Will Handford (Skjel) and newcomer Lucy Starita (Ariele) talk about exclusives and news from Gamescom.


Given Open NAT is about controversial topics, this week also provides a supplemental episode as well, where myself, Jessica Osborne, and Will try to walk through a minefield while playing Russian Roulette in the middle of a lightning storm. I’m kind of half hoping you ignore it altogether.

Episode 2 – Valiant Hearts

Alice and I managed to record on Sunday and talk about Valiant Hearts, World War I tactics, the Big Bang, and Lord of Thrones character and Scottish beermaster Samuel Tarly, er, Samwell Tarly. No, that’s not right. What I mean to say is, Samwise Barley.


This episode also introduces our new rating system, which we believe will provide a far more accurate assessment of games than the current stuff. Anyways, hope you enjoy.

Non-Player Characters: Episode 2

Wednesday’s arrived and with it a second turn for J.T. Decker and Matthew Dixon. They go over the new Kickstarter game Divinity: Original Sin and a host of other topics.


On a news note, the rotation of these podcasts might change a bit in the coming weeks as I figure out the tone of the shows and the chemistry between the hosts, and how to balance that from week to week. Also, feedback on any of the podcasts is muy apreciado.