Anum-La by Grey36

Here is a screenshot of Anum-La by Grey36 wearing some customized armor. I doctored this a bit to give it a widescreen look, but if you click on the picture it will show the original.
Here is a screenshot of Anum-La by Grey36 wearing some customized armor. I doctored this a bit to give it a widescreen look, but if you click on the picture it will show the original.
Here’s a screenshot from Sheo the Mad One of Carmella at her table. Most of the stuff on there is the same as vanilla, but I added the soul gem fragments as part of her art show. Those shiny purple rocks used to be people, you know. Well, not just people, but souls. That’s like double people.
Note: I got the food poisoning this morning, I don’t think there will be an update this week or posts for a few days. Sorry. Alice and I also had to cancel our recording session for this week’s podcast.
It’s Saturday and it’s nice out, at least here in Morthal. This screenshot from Numeriku is a mood setter. A nice, relaxing shot of an easy, leisurely day. Happy weekend everyone.