Tears of the Hist- Alice Bell/Fjona Cover

It’s been well over three years since I initially recorded Tears of the Hist for Fjona/Interesting NPCs, and let’s just say that after three years I feel like my voice has improved. A lot.

Or maybe it just got lower. I dunno

Anyway, here it is for your listening pleasure or torture, depending on how much you like/dislike the sound of a strangled cat wailing mournfully into the microphone

Bodan by Numeriku

Bodan chillin’ like the villain he is most certainly not

Sometimes things just come together by luck. I’d written Bodan havingĀ a song like Tears of the Hist in his repertoire, but the melody didn’t exist until Arisen1 showed me her collection of instrumentals. It was a match made in Sovngarde to be sure.

All of which has nothing to do with this screenshot, but I needed to put some text here, since the context is Numeriku‘s to define.