Fallout NV Mods: More NPCs – Xiaojian

I’ve been meaning to give Uncredited a larger role for the past few weeks, but I’ve been a little busy with making sure the Fallout 3 bundle was ready for release. In any case, she’s fast, reliable, and does good work. You can also check her out on Twitch here, she mentioned she’d be playing through Fallout 3 to celebrate the release of Fallout 4. Be sure to subscribe and follow and pledge your undying fealty as I have.

Hope Lies v0.01

Interesting NPCs v3.08 will release next Monday, but for this week, we’re going to release something different.  It’s another Fallout 4 demo NPC, ready for use in New Vegas.


Hope Lies is a character inspired by an email name. She’s also the mirror opposite of my yet unreleased Dragonborn character. Jessica Osborne did the voicing and did a wonderful job changing gears from her usual fare, and nonoodles handled the GECK stuff so I didn’t have to.

She can be found by the campfires at Goodsprings Source.


Trailers and Teasers – Herran

This is Isaac Silbernberg aka MagnusDux voicing the character Herran. This is part of a quest that I previously scrapped for scripting/mechanical reasons – I just couldn’t make certain ideas happen – but I decided the characters were enjoyable enough that it was better to simplify the quest so you could meet them.

The acting in the last line really captures the essence of this character, as Herran shifts back and forth between melodramatic and avaricious. The one regret I have is that I couldn’t make him fatter, because everyone in the game is sculpted like a Greek God. However, much like my abridged quest, I’m sure there’s a reason for that too.