Captain Rodore

> Ark Stranded 1 > Captain Rodore


Welcome to the Ark of the Stranded, little birds!


I am your Captain, and I am here to guide you off this miserable rock.


For all your life you’ve been staring out at the briny blue sea, wondering to yourself, how? How do I escape?


And all your answers have been wrong. Motivating? Yes. Inspiring? Definitely. Stupid? Sometimes.
But ultimately, wrong. So very, very wrong. And it’s all because you’ve been staring in the wrong direction.


For the answer is not over the horizon, but above it!


Here, you will no longer scamper around this island like blind, headless chickens.


Here, on this ark, I will teach you to fly!


You’re going to teach me to fly?
Yes, those are the words I said. Repeating them is unnecessary, and quite frankly, a waste of time.
But perhaps you doubt my sincerity. I assure you, I speak no lies.

I don’t need you to teach me. I can already fly.
Then you will be a valuable member of my flock.
Birds are a flock, right? Pack sounds so much better. We’ll have to revisit that later.

Please do. I would love nothing more than to soar like an eagle.
And soar you shall. Well, technically, the ship will be doing the soaring, you’ll just be standing on it.
But if you close your eyes, it’ll feel like you’re soaring.

Is this the part where you hand me a bottle of skooma?
I don’t even know what that is, and I’ve gone through your things.
You should try labeling your bottles.


How do you plan on flying?
You are standing on the deck of an airship.
Once construction is complete and the signal is given, we will have our strongest warriors push the ship off the mountain.
At which point we will raise the sails and take flight over the fog.

Lycan – That’s not flying, that’s falling.
Falling into flight. We will use the speed of our fall to pull us into the air, much like how a horse pulls a wagon.

Ylldi – I’m sorry, but that’s crazy.
I believe the word you’re looking for is “majestic.” You said something else, which I’m sure is an error on your part.

Either way, we plan on moving forward with the plan as presently constructed.


Lycan’s right. You’re falling, not flying.
Tomayto, tomahto. I’ve seen enough things fly to know this will work.


Ylldi’s right. Your plan is crazy.
I disrespectfully disagree.

I think that just might work.
Yes, I believe the word my bosun used was, “foolproof?” As in, even a fool could pull it off.

That’s an… interesting plan.
Interesting and correct. The correct plan for a complex problem.


Why do you want to escape the island?
Our ancestors came to this island as sacrifices. Meat offerings to a vengeful god. This has never been our home, and it will never be.


How goes construction on the ship?
The fog is as wide as it is tall. We’ve known all along that sailing over it will not be easy.
So we’ve been building slowly, gathering wood, and waiting for an opportunity. A sign.
The rot is that sign. It is death knocking on the door. When the island lets it in, we will be able to sail out, safely above its mortal breath.


Tell me about your ancestors.
They arrived on a prisoner ship, and with the help of a guard, managed to escape their captors.
Starving, they climbed this mountain’s spine looking for food, but when they reached its peak, they found something better. Freedom.
For they were standing above the dreadful fog that anchors this land.
And that is when they realized that the way forward was not in front, but up high.
Now we keep the forge fire lit, so other birds can join the flock.


Why did you bring us here?
So you can earn your wings. After all, you tried to enter Hjarskygge, which means you too are looking to escape.
This also means you are brave, and perhaps, a little crazy. You need to be, for what I’m going to ask of you.
I have the dragon claw you seek. But in exchange, I want something from you. Something vital to our cause.
A steering wheel.


Where can I find this wheel?
Take the passage to the east back down the mountain.
There you’ll find the wreck of the cursed ship, the Serpent’s Fang, and hopefully our new wheel.
As a show of good faith, I am returning your things, which you’ll find in the chest to your left.
No wait, your right, my left. The big chest next to me.
And don’t worry, I didn’t try on your clothes. For the record, my bosun did and I just watched.


How is the ship cursed?
They say before Ylldra’s time, this island was home to a serpent god.
Savages from nearby islands would offer their prisoners to the beast, strapping them to the wheel of their ship.
Now, if you believe such stories, to touch that wheel with your meaty fingers is to call the serpent.
It’s almost like a dinner bell, if you think about it. But I’m sure you two will be just fine.


Tell me about yourself.
The only thing you need to know about me is that I’m in charge.
Some people ask me, are you a man or a woman?
And I tell them, I am your king! And queen, and lord, and lady.
I am your captain! So be sure to kneel when you see me.
People kneel before captains, right? Well, they do on my ship, anyway.


I have your wheel.
You’ve done well. As promised, here’s your reward. One dragon claw.

How did you get this claw?
Many years ago, a man was stranded on this shore.
He taught us many things, from building sturdier boats to playing music from the mainland.
In exchange, he handed me this claw. For it was not a gift, but a responsibility.
He told me that someday, when the rot pervades this land, a hero would come asking for it.
And if that person proved their worth, that I should give it to them.

Tell me more about this man.
There’s not much to tell. Unremarkable in every way, save for the words from his mouth.
Not young, but not old. Wise, but not unbearably so. A man so mortal I can’t begin to describe him as anything else but that. A man.
I do, however, remember his name. Nifram.

What do you know about Hjarskygge?
Only what the claw’s owner told me, that the source of this island’s power lies behind that door.
I was tempted at first to take this power for myself. But something dark whispers from inside its walls.
And I want nothing to do with it. You want to be on this crew, you need to speak at a normal volume.

When will you leave?
The ship will be complete within a year. But more importantly, we’re waiting for another sign. The rot is only the beginning. The island still draws breath.

We have the claw, but what about the toxic air?
Opening the door will vent the cave. That or just hold your breath this time.

That’s all the questions I have.
Then I wish you both luck on your journey.


Post Main Quest (if fog cleared)

Supplies are loaded Captain. We’re ready to leave when you are.

Then weigh the anchor and get ready to set sail.

(to player)

Ah, my little birds, I was wondering when you would show up. Ready to sail back to Skyrim?

What happened to flying over the fog?
Well, when half the crew turned to ghosts, we lost our builder and my bosun.
Construction had been put on hold, at least until we could kidnap someone who knew their way around a hammer.
But as my first mate so eloquently pointed out, there is no fog to fly over.
So we took one of the boats by the shore, and decided to travel the old fashioned way.

I’m ready to go back.
Excellent! Just enter the cabin and we’ll be on our way.